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Tears Of The Eagle....

The information on this page is owned by Julie Spotted Eagle Horse Cooper, please contact her to ask for permission before reproducing or otherwise replication this information. Linking to this page is aso forbidden unless permission is otherwise given. Sharing the URL via word of mouth or email is acceptable, but please ask before you link.<

[Flag Campaign icon]
Show your support for freedom and democracy

The following are my thoughts, musings of what I feel could be and what ought to not be done...

They are only my humble opinion, and I do not expect everyone else to share it with me, it is mine and mine alone.

I only ask that you respect that fact, as I respect your opinions as your right.

Julie Spotted Eagle Horse Cooper ~AKA~ Spot

In a way I feel that this is Skan Taku Skan Skan, the thing in motion.... dhamaz, beauty, the ying and yang if you will, almost a form of physics, that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

I tend to think of them as knee jerk politics.

Everything moves in circles, and we are paying the price for our policies that we have used to punnish others for not falling in line with us.

We as a country try to bully everyone in to toeing our line, and most fall right in.

Hold up the threat of withdrawing US support or the US Almighty Dollar, and entire countries will disintigrate.

I pray that we stop and breath deeply and allow cooler heads to prevail in this.

Waving the flag and beating your chest crying out for God and country will not bring back the dead, comfort the greiving, or dry the tears of those in mourning.

I think that there is no American dream, it is, as are most things, an illusion as most things in this country are.

I have friends all over the world who envy me for living here, but who is to say if it is truely better?

Freedom? To do what? To be myself? Think again.

Provide my children with a good education? Not in a BIA, inner city, poor, underfunded and understaffed or tribal school.

To live where I choose? Only if I have the money to do so.

To be indian in a white world? You try being an Indian in the 21st century. They live the digital divide every single day.

I cannot and do not expect the government to take care of me or any of the other peoples in this country. All that the government has promised it's people has been convieniently forgotten.

If you do not belive me live my life for a week.

Knee jerk polictics are not going to punish the truly guilty, look at the Gulf War.

As a woman, I honor our brave hearts, as many people have since before who laid the rail, and I accept that part of us as humans, but then I also feel that going out and kicking the shit out of the nearest conienient target will do nothing but continue the vicious cycle of violence we are already trapped in.

So what if we go kick the bejesus out of Castro or Hussien, or whomever we percieve as our enemies, what will that accomplish?

Ask yourself this, and think long and hard before you answer.


We have taken another life, but then someone else will step in to their place, and they will take more innocent lives, then we will fight back, taking even more lives. This vicious cycle can continue forever and ever amen, unless we take a stand and do something about it.

How many more innocent children have to loose family, friends, and even their own lives to protect antiquated idealisims that should have died out centuries ago?

Look at our indigenous peoples, how many of thier children have died because of who they are?

What have we accomplished by killing each other, or our percieved enemies?

I love my country, and am proud to be an american but it is times like these that make me rethink this stance......

I would ask all of my relatives, all who read this page, to please join me in dedicating one day, just one, to fasting and praying, until every survivor and victim has been recovered.

Remember there is strength and power in numbers.

If you are not able to offer blood, or voulenteer to help with the rescue effort, please concider organizing a candlelight vigil, or lighting our porch lights for 15 minutes a night, until every survivor and victim has been recovered from the Pentagon and the WTC.

In sorrow and mourning, we stand together, united as never before, as a people, and as a Nation.

Mitakuye Oyasin.

The Way Out...

How To Get Out Of Here
