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My Second Close Encounter

The music that you are hearing is Rain Maker by Elan Micheals

The information on this page is owned by Julie Spotted Eagle Horse Cooper, please contact her to ask for permission before reproducing or otherwise replication this information. Linking to this page is aso forbidden unless permission is otherwise given. Sharing the URL via word of mouth or email is acceptable, but please ask before you link.

The second strike occurred in October of 2000 while asleep in my water bed (you can bet that we do not have that bed anymore!)at about 2 am.

We are not sure where the lightning actualy hit, but I do know that it was very very close. I think it came in through a window and did a side flash over my water bed, and the house electrical systems.

My 3 year old son was sleeping with me, but seems to have taken no harm. I seem to have taken the brunt of the hit again.

My husband did not believe me when I told him about the second strike in October, but my daughter later confirmed it by mentioning that she felt a current in the metal frame of her bunk bed (the kind with the futon on the bottom)when he asked her about it and I think he started to believe me then.

So far the entire house seems to be intact from strike 2, or so we think after a careful inspection.

None of the fuses were blown, and all of the lightning protectors on the electronics did the job, we did not loose anything to the hit.

My guess is that it either hit the old TV antanea on the roof, and somehow surged through the house, or did a sidde flash through a window.

Again, the lightning was very selective, and left the ancient maple tree in the back yard alone, as well as her offspring, in the side yard. It seems to have been meant for me.

There is a theory floating around that there is something in a lightning victims body chemestry that it attractive to the lightning, some more than others, and the lightning will chose them as a target rather than something more obvious...who knows!

Lightning is funny stuff, and so far we have no accurate way of predicitng when and where a stike will occur, let alone what the taget is.

Did you know that there are at least 7 kinds of lightning known?

Cloud to cloud, cloud to ground, ground to cloud, ball, St. Elmo's fire, Red Sprites, and Blue Jets!

You can learn more about lightning by simply typing the word "lightning" in your web browser and performing a search. You will be amased at all the information out there, both true and false!

I have found the best sources of information to be my on line lightning support group, and NOAA.

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