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The information on this page is owned by Julie Spotted Eagle Horse Cooper, please contact her to ask for permission before reproducing or otherwise replication this information. Linking to this page is aso forbidden unless permission is otherwise given. Sharing the URL via word of mouth or email is acceptable, but please ask before you link.

These are the words of Mike Pendergast, my Spirit Brother, whom I admire so very much.

I do not think that Tunkasila knew what a gift He brought to me when He brought Mike in to my life. I am deeply honored to say that Mike is a true friend and a relative by choice.

Mike is a very talented photographer, who not only photographs lightning, but many other things as well. I am priveleged to say that I have his Rincon Moonrise in my computer room to remind me that there IS such simple beauty in the world,

These are his words, and his emotions. They speak to what we all feel as survivors at times....

"Those who knew us before we were hit by lightning don't seem to understand

This is certainly nothing that we had planned! If they would only be so kind as to take us into their arms for a good comforting hug when it seems as if we have lost our mind when we can't remember things the way we did or when we almost electrocute ourselves by walking across a rug!

When it gets so bad that nothing seems to soothe the pain couldn't they just once refrain from saying "oh, it's just in your head" Sometimes it would seem that we would be better off dead but with that being said...........WAIT!

Don't give up my friend! all is not lost, we only need to learn to bend with the wind when the storms of life bring sorrow and despair This group of survivors will always be there to listen in understanding sympathy have no fear, We were meant to survive or we would not still be here!

It is said that what does not kill us will make us stronger for having survived lightning may have changed the way we do things now, but it can never take from us who we are a group of survivors who sometimes forget where we parked our car!

Good people put in a bad situation, we have survived to enjoy another sunrise much to their surprise!

But they say we are not the what? all we can do is make the best of what we've got."

