Ashland Central Park
Located in the Northwest part of Central Park is a string of six small mounds, each approximately 4-5’ high. These mounds have NOT been excavated by archeologist and consequently their cultural affiliation is not know.
Directions: Follow U.S. route 60 (12 street) SW from U.S. route 23 (Winchester Avenue) in downtown Ashland for about .4 miles (5 blocks from Winchester Ave.) to Lexington Avenue, then SE on Lexington Avenue .5 miles to park entrance on NE side of street. Parking is available in park
Public Use: season and hours: The park is opened daily throughout the year during daylight hours. Recreation facilities: Picnic area, restrooms, playground, game fields, exercise course.
For additional Information: contact: Parks and Recreation Department, City of Ashland, Ashland, KY. 41101, 606-325-8571
Below is a map:
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Page created and owned by: Painted Turtle