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Elk Lick mound

The elk Lick Road Mound is located in a fenced enclosure in the picnic grounds in the southern park of East Fork State Park. The small, conical mound is approximately 5’ high and 50’ in diameter. This feature has never been excavated, but it is presumed to be an Adena burial mound because of its conical shape and upland location.

Directions: From Ohio Route 125 at Bantam, go N into East Fork State Park road 1 for about 1 mile, then W on park road 2 for about 500’, then N into picnic area.

Public use: season and hours: the park is open year round during daylight hours.

For additional Information: contact: Division of State Parks, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Fountain Square, Columbus, Oh. 43211, 614-265-7000.

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