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Highbanks Park Earthworks

Highbanks Park mound 2 (Orchard Mound; Selvey Mound) and the Highbanks Park Earthworks are located east of the Olentangy River in the Highbanks Metro Park. Mound 2 is a small, sub-conical earthen burial mound about 2.5’ high and 45’ in diameter. Although un-excavated, this mound is presumed to be Adena because of its shape and upload location.

The Highbanks Park Works is a semi-elliptical earthen blufftop fortification located at the top of a 10-0’ cliff overlooking the Olentangy River to the west. A ditch borders the exterior of the embarkment to the east and north. The walls of the embarkments are about 3’ high. The depth of the exterior ditch varies from 3’-7’. Three openings, probably gateways, occur in the embankment. This earthworks is considered to represent a protective or defensive feature associated with a settlement of the late woodland—possibly Cole—Indians; the feature was probably constructed between A.D. 800 and A.D. 1300.

Both Mound 2 and the Buff-top fortification are reached by the Overlook trail (approximately 2.8 miles round trip) which begins near the east end of the-picnic area.

Directions: Highbanks Metro Park is located on the W side of U.S. route 23, about 4 miles N of route 23-Interstate 270 interchange north of Columbus. Signs identify the entrance to the park

Public use: Season and hours: Open daily 7:00 am until dark, year round. Restrictions: Visitors must remain on improved trails. Natural features may not be disturbed. Pets must be on leash and are confined to the picnic areas, parking areas, or roadways. Alcoholic beverages are not permitted.

For additional information: contact: Metropolitan Park District of Columbus and Franklin county, P.O. Box 29169, Columbus, Oh. 43229, 614-891-0700.

Below is a map of Highbanks Park: