Down memory's lane I wander
As in bed I must rest a spell
And dream of Past Chiefs and
Gee, but they were swell.
there was many a heated session
With Nell who was wide awake,
Also Lois who also knew
and Nannie, Too, was always
"Johnny at the stake."
While Belle would sit and shake her
And Maude would say, "That's not
The discussion would enter far into the
The rest of us greenhorns would sit and
How an new one could pass the test,
After all the pick and picking,
Our figures could ever grace the
But soon the year would roll around
And there, guarding the door,
Would generally stand the last P.C.
Just as nobly as before.
With a hand helping here and there
and a nod of head or two
Still pushing forth all the Pythians
Old officer and new, till P.C. grew and
So now I lay here thinking
They, too, have not forgotten
One who enjoyed having much fun.
When she joined the Pythians
The steps groaned and creaked
And each one thought,
"Will they stand the test
of such a delicate person
Weighing a ton or less?"
Oh, yes, they stood the test
As I hope I can, too.
That all good Pythians have made before
And I hope I am not the last.
So enough of this nonsense
It is only in fun
that I can mention these little
Of the sisters, one by one.
Author: Roxie Ellen
Not for reproduction.
Copyright protected.