Other Stuff You Wanna Know
One of the biggest interests in my life is music. I love music, all kinds. Whether it be pop,
rock, oldies, country, even a little rap, I'll listen to it. I tend to stray towards pop and country, but that
doesn't mean I won't try other stuff. As long as I can dance to it, it's good music.
I also like to read and write. A lot of my time is spent reading,
writing, and listening to music. Of course, television and movies are cool too! I'm a big fan of cops and
cowboys and scary movies. I like the action!
I spend a lot of time on the internet, too. Some people say too much time,
but hey, can I help it if I keep finding cool sites to surf? I'm an email fanatic too. So send me some!
Food: anything Chinese
Snack Food: popcorn, chips, anything salty
Candy: Skittles
Color: dark green
Car: SUV's, Ford Mustangs, and VW Bugs
Musical Act: Backstreet Boys
Song: It changes on a daily basis. For now, The Answer To Our Life, by BSB.
Book: Hands down, it's Remembrance by Jude Deveraux
TV Show: ER, but I'm a big fan of anything that has Chris Potter in it!
Movie: Mulan, or Titanic
Actor: Hehe, Chris Potter for television, and Mel Gibson for movies.
Actress: Ming-Na Wen for both television and movies.
I like lots of different things, I guess you could say I'm a little weird, but sometimes weird is good!
Anyway, I like cheese, horses, the ocean, Florida, clearance sales, jade, payday, books, cds, movies,
talking on the phone, Beanie Babies, Scooby Doo, animals, (especially cats!) and teddy bears.
Oooh, I have a long list of dislikes. But I'll only name a few, otherwise we'd be here all day!
Let's see. . . I dislike racists, close-minded people, snow, valley girls, television reruns, cottage cheese,
Ticketmaster, (because of all their stupid extra charges!), getting up in the morning, personal wellness
classes, black licorice, and Lou Pearlman.