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Spotted Eagle's Nest

Be sure to apply for my Most Traditional Site and other at the email adress below! Be sure to send the URL for the site that you are nominating in the email, so that I know where to look!
We have other awards avialable as well, so be sure to check out the available awards page to see what we have!

Be sure to use my links page, you can find a link at the bottom of each page, to navigate my page! There are both internal and external links here.

Some day's it's a good day to die, some day's it's a good day for breakfast!
I have survived 2 lightning strikes within 15 months of each other, and hope to live a long and happy life!

To find out what happened to me, please check out My lightning Page, the link is listed on my links page! Also be sure to stop by my bird's page, Spotted Eagle's Flight, also listed under the links page.

This page is dedicated to all Native People, my sister Toni,who was murdered on Feb. 14, 1999 while she slept in her bed, and to my sisters Becky and Trina who helped me set this up.

This page is also dedicated to all of you who are in my Tiyospia, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE! And I can't forget my husband and kids, thanks for your patience!

Don't forget to check out my guest book, on my "who do I "THINK" I am "page!

Please be patient with any grammar and spelling mistakes, we don't gurantee these pages to be dyslexic free.

* T'sunka Wakan Wambli Gleska *

* Mitakuye Oyasin *

We are all related

The background on this page is courtesy of Sam Silver Hawk, a Native Artist

Native American Ring
This Native American Ring site owned by Julie Spotted Eagle Horse Cooper.
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The music playing is Ceremony Of Fires by Elan Micheals

My Links Page

My Links Page
Sam Silver Hawk
