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Amanda and Logan

The music you hear is Elan Micheals' Smoke Spirit.

Ladies and Gentlemen, My Kids. No applause please, yes, I know they are beautiful. But they are so rotten...wonder where they learned that?? I am sure that I do not know.

The background on this page is courtesy of Sam Silver Hawk, a very talented Native artisan!You can see them at Try cutting and pasting his URL in to your address bar on your search engine to get there, it is well worth the trip!


Here are Itchy and Scratchy, AKA Amanda and Logan, can you tell that I am a proud Mommie?

Here are both of my kids in a rare moment of unity! Needless to say, they are few and far in between! Amanda will be 12 as of July 6, 2000 and my son, Logan, will be 3 on August 2, 2000.

My son on the occasion of his Father's birthday.

Chocolate cake, Mommie, I gots Chocolate cake!" Notice that he is wrapped in a towel and has it smeared all over his face!

Camera face!

One of my sons infamous "camera faces" that he puts on evry time he sees a camera!

Can we say "HAM!"