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My Family Photo Album

This is my Family Photo Album.

Be afraid, be very afraid!

The backgroung on this page is courtesy of Sam Silver Hawk, you can see more of his work at:


My Brother The Maffioza

This picture was taken in Enkenbach, Germany.

It was part of the family pictures taken for his wedding.

He looks like a mafioza!You cannot see it, but he has his racing bike off to one side.

Notice the biking shoes he is wearing. We asked him nicely to change them before he was taken to the church.

This is Me and my Sister Toni, Circa August 1995

Sitting down is my niece Jesse, Toni's daughter, she won first in junior fancy shawl.

This was the year that my sister, Trina Big Heart Woman's dog, Boris ate her tent.

Shameless Plug Alert:You can see pictures of Boris at

We laughed about it the whole Powwow, and she still hasn't lived it down, five years later!

A note of interest, I quit smoking in 1997, and have been smoke free ever since!

This is beautiful, lovable me and my nephew , Adam

This is my nephew Adam, son of my sister Becky White Feather.

He is so thrilled about posing with his auntie.

My nephew has since gotten married to a beautifull young woman named Missy. I am so proud of both of them!

Now if I can just get pictures of the rest of my family...