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My Favorite Links

Here are my favorite links, it ought to make it easier to navigate my pages!

These are in no particlar order, by the way!

The first set are for internal links, the second are for outside pages. Enjoy!

Mitakuye Oyasin

You can e mail me at Click for Burlington, Iowa Forecast

Enjoy your visit!

The music that you are hearing is Ceremony of Fires by Elan Micheals

My Internal Links

My Front Page
About Me, Not Much Here...(Also, You Can Sign My Guest Book Here!)
My Lightning Page, My Story And Helpfull Links!
Some Interesting Facts
My Kids
Family Pictures
More Family Pictures (Extended Family)
Still More Family Pictures! (My Pets)
Some Native Stories
Some Of My Faveorite Recipies
A Little Native Humor
The Awards My page Has Won
Justice For Leonard Peltier
My Old guest Book (This One Is No Longer Active, You Cannot Sign It)
The River...
For Toni
The Husband's Page
My Tattoo Gallery
Being Indian Is...
My Other Tattoo Gallery
Our Available Awards Page!

More Links...

A Free Angelfire Email Account.
Best homepage of the month.
News from Angelfire.
My Sister Trina's Home Page
My Sister Bekki's Page
My Cousin Wolf Running's Page
My Daughter's Home Page
My Son's Faveorite Page
Sam Silver Hawk, Where I Got My Cool Backgrounds At
Stop The Hate, It Has To End Somewhere
The Worlds Largest Powwow! How Cool Is This!
Pretty Moon's Home Page
A Little Cyber Revenge
Corrine's Home Page
The Discovery Channel
The History Channel
Free Cyber Native American Cards
My Friend Janea's Page
Dee Noest, The Lightning Lady's Home Page, Very Well Done!
My Niece Randa's home page, enjoy!
My Spirit Brother, Mike Pendegrast's Home Page, Wonderful Photo's!
My Daughter's Other Home Page
My Bird's page
My Other Lightning Page, More Detail On What Happened To Me In Both Strikes

Still More Links!

Oh My Goodness Greeting Cards
Tracie The Blood Poet... Well Worth a Look And Then Some!
Amazing Grace, Indian Style! Well Worth The Visit!
The New And Improved Blood Poet!