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Three Sisters

Lakolwin Cuway

From left to right we are: Myself, Julie Spotted Eagle Horse Cooper, my sister, Bekki White Feather, and my sister who now walks the Spirit Path, Toni Night Hawk Martinez.

We were at a Civil WAr Re-Enactment for the battle of Pea Ridge, in Keokuk, Iowa.

We were trying to be so serious, because Native People did not smile in the old photographs.

The poor guy taking the picture was so fed up with us, because we kept giggling!

It was the kind of thing that Toni loved to do, to laugh and be silly. She was an expert at it.

I guess that Tunkasila Wakan Tanka needed a Coyote Spirit in the spirit world, so the Wakan took our Toni.

Toksa Mite Cuway...