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Jeremiah Blaque

He was born in a small cabin on a misty, mid-winter night. His mother met the Goddess that night.

Fate looked upon him that eve, as a hunter happened upon the cabin after becoming lost. The hunter, Branwyn Lequar, was nearly frozen when he happened upon the tiny cabin.

"Thank the Goddess", he cried as he stumbled to the door.

Branwyn hailed the house and recieving no answer tried the door. The door opened on squeeling hinges, and Branwyn stepped through quickly, shutting the door behind him.

He looked around the single room and smiled slightly. His smile froze on his face as he saw a movement on the bed. Branwyn stepped over to the bed cautiously, and realized that there was a small woman lying on it, obviously already in the beyond. He saw the movement again and lifted the coverlet slightly. Branwyns icy blue eyes widened in shock as he saw the newborn, who began to cry out piteously.

Branwyn picked up the small bundle and carefully wrapped him in a heavy shirt which had been lying on the floor. He walked to the pantry, looking into the childs small brown eyes and smiling.

"well, child, your mother seems to have given you the greatest gift of all, her life", He said

Branwyn made the child as comfortable as he could and then looked in the pantry,to find some milk. Finding a jar of goats milk, he dipped the edge of a clean cloth in it and began to feed the boy.

When the child had fed enough he lay in Brans arms sleeping, and Bran just sat and watched him until he, too, had dozed off, a small smile on his lips.

Flash forward 17 years

Jeremiah, as Branwyn had named him, was a tall muscular young man, quick of thought and very independent. He often thought of Branwyn, who had passed on the year before, with love and a light heart. Branwyn had told him f his being found and had told him the little he knew of his mother.

Jeremiah began to grow restless with the woods where the cabin stood, and decided he would set off on a small journey...little did he know where it would lead him.

Late one night, as Jeremiah walked restlessly through the deep woods, he felt a presence. He stopped and turned slowly, seeing nothing. As he turned to continue on, his vision went blank....and he fell.

When his eyes opened again, the sunlight peirced his eyes and he realized how stiff his neck was. Thinking he had been attacked and his valuables taken, he felt his pockets, but they had their contents. He sat up slowly and looked around, thinking, 'this is not the place where I was last night'. He stood slowly and winced as his neck throbbed, his hand instinctively moving to the spot of the pain. his eyes widened as his fingers found two small welts about an inch apart. As he pulled his hand away he noticed that there was a small amount of blood on his fingers. He wiped them off and looked around slowly, wondering where he was. Suddenly a feeling of calm swept over him, and he shrugged. Jeremiah began his long walk into destiny.

After traveling for many months, Jeremiah happened upon a place called Tyrans cove. He was told of a place which seemed to welcome all newcomers.

After being in Tyran(T) for some time, Jeremiah happened upon a woman in LsT, and sensing some connection, he asked some questions....He was quite surprised to find out that JaSinda was his sister, his fathers child...he had not known that he had any family, but the questions she answered had information that only family would know.

Jeremiah's Clan/Family Affiliations have been, lets say, 'Well Rounded'....He has been a member of these Clan/Families:

Dark Kingdom



And The Almorian Guardians


  • Broad Sword, 38 inches long and 3 inches wide, it has razor sharp edges and two knurled spikes on the hilt which is ornately wrought silver and bronze
  • Two 9 inch daggers, each quick to throw with deadly accuracy
  • Black Leather Gloves, with steel plate across the knuckles
  • An 18 inch cat-o-nine-tails hangs from his belt


  • Black leather pants, tight fitting but surprisingly flexible for quick movement.
  • A silk button down shirt, usually in Blood-Red or Deep Blue.
  • A long Black leather trench coat.
  • Black leather high boots and leather gloves.


  • Stands 6'4
  • Eyes are honey colored and expressive, they blacken when he is angered
  • Short black hair, with a bit of a spike to it
  • Pale skinned with a youthful complexion
  • long thick hands, the nails slightly long and very sharp, due to his vampiric blood