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Nel terzo mistero glorioso si considera la Pentecoste

  • God:

    It was not right what you did.

  • Lucifer:

    She didn`t know how to teach.

  • God:

    And of course you can judge.

  • Lucifer:

    All the students were yelling and out of control in her class. Students would fall from their chairs, put boxes over their heads, having picnic in class, drop books from the windows, throw books and pencils on her face ... she nearly lost an eye one day… even during exams they would not sit still and work... it was a nightmare...

  • God:

    And that`s her fault of course. Right?

  • Lucifer:

    Of course. A teacher should know how to keep students under control.

  • God:

    So, what you are telling me, District Superintendent, is that a teacher has to be a policeman, a guard, a Gestapo. Right? I was of the idea that a teacher should teach, ... It’s about teaching... notions, you know? Things teachers would learn from previous teachers. Do I have this concept wrong in my head? Are teachers supposed to be "the Gestapo” nowadays?

  • Lucifer:

    No, they do not have to be "the Gestapo." They do not have to be policemen. But we have difficult kids in classes nowadays.

  • God:

    And you expect teachers to control the behaviour of students that parents and the environment they are place in should teach?

  • Lucifer:

    We know we are not surrounded by good parents who would provide a good environment for these students.

  • God:

    So, you want your teachers to pay for the problems caused by the parents and society as a whole.

  • Lucifer:

    We do feel sorry for the teachers.

  • God:

    So. You sack some and you keep some, just like that. Just as accountants pull figures out from their hat.

  • Lucifer:

    I had the Principal, the Lead Teacher, the English Head Teacher, the Deputy ... pestering me. I was told she did not know how to teach.

  • God:

    We have already established that she couldn’t control the kids, and that according to you meant that she was not a good teacher.

  • Lucifer:

    That is the general idea between teachers, yes. If someone can’t control the class, well ... they can’t teach.

  • God:

    I agree. If the class is not controlled, there can’t be any teaching. But she applied for the teaching job, not for the controlling job. A teacher is an educator, not a police Gestapo. You are the Administrator. It was up to you to make sure that teachers have a safe and educational environment. A quiet, relaxed environment where a teacher can open her or his mouth and speak and thus teach. You, the Principal, the Deputy, the Lead, the Head and the Secretary of the Union were in charge of producing this environment, and you failed. And that is why she failed. She failed because she was set up to fail from the very start. You let things deteriorate, because you wanted her to fail.

  • Lucifer:

    I told you we have difficult kids.

  • God:

    You have difficult kids because all kids are difficult. That is why they are kids and not adults. Kids are to be guided taught, controlled by adults... you, the Administrators. Teachers are only there to teach, not to change nappies. That is the job of their parents, the environment where they put them in, the administrators or the heads of schools. Teachers teach don’t change nappies.

  • Lucifer:

    What would you know?

  • God:

    I created the world. I created teachers and mothers and administrators. I have given a job to each and every one of them. And that is the job they have to perform, that is all I expect. I do not expect a butcher to know how to teach. I am the Greatest Teacher of all. And I do not go gestapoing around my students. I only talk and what I say is a doctrine for people to follow, if people listen they will learn, if they won’t listen they get lost. I teach that is good for them to listen to me, but if they won’t listen, they will get lost. I do not force them, I just love them. I teach with love.

  • Lucifer:

    But you do punish them. You send floods... You make every thing perish when things do not go your way.

  • God:

    Yes. That is exactly how I teach. I teach them to follow my doctrine, my commandments. I make laws, and I expect them to be obeyed. And then, I teach, I teach, I teach... I speak, I say... but if they want to fall off from their chair, if they prefer to follow you... if they prefer to go on and not listen... I do not become a Gestapo, a policeman... I just let them be. And then you attack them and I will not interfere, because they have been disobedient children who do not know how to learn... I leave them with you... with the Gestapo, with the policeman. A teacher should only teach, not police people. A concept that you haven’t understood, District Superintendent, Deputy Principal, Lead Teacher and English Head Teacher and Secretary of the Union.

  • Lucifer:

    So whose job it is to correct these kids?

  • God:

    Their parents. Children are their parents` responsibility. School can only give education not discipline. Discipline starts at home and it ends at the police station. You are supposed to provide a safe environment for your teachers in order for them to be able to do their job. And you failed and you keep on failing. So what is the use of having Administrator such as you, what is the use of having Heads, and Leads, so that they can be paid more?

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Or to plan more holidays, and more strikes for not being paid enough...

  • Lucifer:

    Teachers work long hours.

  • God:

    So does everyone else in society. That is, if they are honest. Teachers are not better than any other people. The real teachers in society are the parents. Teachers are only there to provide an extensive education for people who care to improve themselves. They are not the gods of the small people who have to listen to them... who have to watch and applaud while they are ruining their kids.

  • Lucifer:

    The future of the kids is in the hands of the teachers, everybody knows that.

  • God:

    The future of the kids and everyone is in my hands Lucifer, not in any one, in this world. I created the world. The world is mine. The kids are mine. They will have a future if they obey my commandments, not if they obey yours. And my commandments are not to verbally sexually abuse the teacher who is trying so hard to fit in, are not to plan to have the teacher sacked and be thrown out in the streets at the mercy of Greek Stalker who goes around pulling his p…s and prickle his n…s, as you instructed him to do. Nor to deprive her from any job in society. My commandaments are not these and you know this Lucifer, and what is sad is that many other people know this too, but they do nothing about it.

  • Lucifer:

    Well. That’s my aim. To take people away from you and to gather them around me.

  • God:

    The point is, are they gathered around you because they want to or because you force them to?

  • Lucifer:

    Does it matter?

  • God:

    Yes it does matter. Because when they have doubts I will interfere. I go close to them. I sit around the corner. I listen to their thoughts. I speak to them. I make them understand that you are not the ultimate solution for their tranquil life, that there is a better life than the one you are offering. As I said, they need to be taught and I will teach them. It may take time. Good teaching doesn’t happen in one day. But it will happen. And I will not Gestapo or police my students, because that is not my nature. I will not force them... for this is not my nature. I will sit quiet and wait and hope... and that is what good teaching is all about.

  • Lucifer:

    Well I had to believe in other teachers, I have to rely in others. I am not usually in class, how else could I act on the matter?

  • God:

    And of course you have chosen to believe in them. Has ever occurred to you that there could have been some personal interest? Has ever occurred to you that the stories they were telling, were just ballooned stories?

  • Lucifer:

    I have to believe in somebody.

  • God:

    I do not think that a job like yours should exist. If you have to listen to others, then you are actually doing other people’s job or should I say dirty work. You do not seem to have a job of your own. Yet you are paid dearly. And yet with great facility you pass judgement to teachers who work so hard for a career and then just because you say so you make them loose whatever they worked for in a spare of a minute.

  • Lucifer:

    We have to assure the schools with the best teachers. We need role models for our youth.

  • God:

    Is that why many students are failures? Is it because you are keeping the best teachers in schools?

  • Lucifer:

    We are trying very hard.

  • God:

    So was she, trying very hard.

  • Lucifer:

    Good education is important for students.

  • God:

    If you were providing it. It seems to me that you are not providing any education at all. What you are providing, it is meetings over meetings to assess and decide who will stay in teaching and who will be thrown out, who will get a good and perfumed salary and who will be robbed by what they have by the likes of you under the pretence that you are helping children . Have you every accounted how many divorcees are teaching in your schools, and how many teachers are living together peacefully with their boyfriends and their girlfriends and then after their night of f... , they will come humbly to receive holy communion in the masses so perfectly prepared by you? Well have you? Your concentration is not on preparing students for their future but rather on how to ruin some teachers` life. Did you think that I created people so that you can manipulate them this way?

  • Lucifer:

    We have to make choices. We can’t go and check what teachers do in their private time?

  • God:

    But you didn’t loose any time in checking her life and listening at the ballooning of a delusional Greek who lost his wife while gambling...what? should say, his money or his body... does it matter what he gambled? the important thing is that he lost every thing, money and wife... and goes around calling anyone who has money, his wife... And that suits you, because you needed her out of the way. Darling Jasmine, the polish girl’s parents wanted her out of the way... Darling Presly`s parents dear, wanted her out of the way... Have you asked why? Has she molested them by any chance? Why don’t you make a public enquiry. Why these people cannot be confronted and say to her face what she was supposed to have done to them? You sack people by the colour of their face... you the society who steal children from Aborigines... you discriminators, pick up people out from your hats and throw to the dogs, and then ask the Prime Minister to apologise for the mistake that you make... My people are all equal to me. I do not choose one over the other. Every single one is important to me. And each and every one has the capability of doing what she or he wants to. They have been created by me. That makes them my children. And my children are children of God, and no child of God is an incapable person, District Superintendent, English Head Teacher, Lead Teacher, Principal.

  • Lucifer:

    Her students didn’t want her.

  • God:

    Since when students know what is best for them? Why do you think I created adults and why I created children? Adults, District Superintendent are the children’s leaders. Children have the duty to obey.

  • Lucifer:

    Times are difficult. Children do not want to listen.

  • God:

    Times have been always difficult. Children have always been children. Their unruliness is not news to me. They do what they know best. They play. It is up to adults to tell them when the game has to be over.

  • Lucifer:

    Well. She didn’t know how to be an adult. She didn’t know how to tell them that the game was over.

  • God:

    But she did know. She tried to rule them. It was you who opposed her ruling.

  • Lucifer:

    Why on earth would we do that?

  • God:

    Because you didn’t like her. It is called Discrimination, Lucifer. Because you all thought that you were better than her. So, instead of ruling the students that she was sending to you, you were having fun with them at her expense. And may I say, at the students` expense. You left her, on her own to deal with a product that you yourself had produced. Tell me, after she left, has any of her students distinguished himself or herself as a brilliant student, or did they fail completely under the guidance of other teachers, you know, the ones that you kept?

  • Lucifer:

    I told you they were difficult students. Difficult students will not make it in life.

  • God:

    That is your line, Lucifer. And as a good District Superintendent you are passing another judgement. I have told you that the world was created by me and that I created the children too. Children are all the same. And, being my children they all have unlimited capabilities. It is up to adults to discover those capabilities and to provide an environment of growth for them. You are killing my children. You are killing their minds, allowing some teachers to call them "stupid" "good for nothing" and so on and so on. And of course those are the very teachers that you have decided to keep, while the ones, who show care for the students` future, are thrown out in the streets after, of course, a precise struggled attempt on your part of stripping them off from every cent they have, and every job they apply for.

  • Lucifer:

    We are the rulers of society.

  • God:

    A society that produces students who do not know how to add or to read.

  • Lucifer:

    Not every student can be brilliant.

  • God:

    That is a matter of opinion.

  • Lucifer:

    Why is she giving us such a hard time?

  • God:

    O, it was more comfortable for you, when the teachers who were thrown out in the streets by you, were shutting up for fear that you could do worst to them?

  • Lucifer:

    We are the rulers...

  • God:

    YOU ARE ASSASSINS, TERRORISTS AND MAFIA... that’s what you are, and that is the product that will come out from you.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    She has met some teachers, and when she questioned them on why they didn’t do anything about it, they changed the subject... She understood then, the kind of people that you are... and what you are capable of, and the people you associate with and how in all legality you petrify them and then KILL THEM.

  • Lucifer:

    How does she know all this?

  • God:

    I told you Lucifer. When my people call on me, I will be there. And I am stronger than you, since I created the world and you haven’t. As a good teacher, I guide her. And as a good student, she listens and follows my ruling. She knows that teaching = loving and viceversa. She knows that I teach her because I love her.

  • Lucifer:

    There were documents signed I could not do anything but let her go.

  • God:

    What documents? You mean the ones that were presented to her, by the Principal and the English Head Teacher and the Deputy and some kind of Scottish union Secretary, as a "let`s make peace" sort of deal in order to sweep things under the carpet?

  • Lucifer:

    I know nothing about this?

  • God:

    That is how Germans usually answer when they are questioned about the Hebrews killing... in the furnaces... you know?

  • Lucifer:

    Why did she sign that document?

  • God:

    Because she was pressured into it by your friends, you know the Principal, the English H... You know how sometimes some people pressure you into signing something and in order to get them off from your hands, you sign. And two, because she wanted to forgive the students, hoping that they had learned their lesson.

  • Lucifer:

    Their lesson about what?

  • God:

    So you are still pretending to be stupid... You know how she accused them to be sexually abusive, and the way they were sent to the English Head Teacher, the Principal... it all was becoming very ugly... So, when the English Head Teacher understood from her that she may have been willing to forgive the students, you all decided to draw contracts, legal documents on which she had to sign and withdraw her allegations.

  • Lucifer:

    And why did she sign?

  • God:

    Because the students were supposed to sit for exams for their year 12 preparation. She understood that if she continued with her allegations, the students would have been deprived of something important for their future.

  • Lucifer:

    It didn’t matter, if they had done wrong they should have paid for that.

  • God:

    The point Lucifer is that the day before she signed, she was given by the English Head Teacher some documentation about when a sex allegation could be enforced and when it couldn’t. After she read it, she understood that there were no concrete evidences for her to prove her allegations. Let me explain Lucifer. Legally, it seems like that if you do not feel threatened by the sexual abuse, than, you cannot say that it was a sexual abuse. She was annoyed that the students acted that way. She knew is was highly inappropriate, but she also understood that she didn’t feel threatened by the students actions. She knew it was a prank, another stupid and ugly prank in an attempt to throw her out of school. The students didn’t want her in class, so they tried the utmost to throw her out of class. That is why she agreed to sign. And on this basis she didn’t want the students to miss out on their opportunity to sit for exam in preparation for their year 12. Satisfied.

  • Lucifer:

    The document shows however that she was somehow confused.

  • God:

    Well the document was written ambiguously. The teachers, her superiors, were frustrated because she didn’t want to accept that she didn’t know how to teach, so they written the document to read it in anyway you want to make it. She understood that, and she didn’t want to sign. But she was pressured... If she hadn’t signed that, the students could not sit for exams. She was told and assured that, that document was only to be filed and not to be acted upon. She understood that to allow the students to do their exam, she had to sign the document. And that is why she signed. As you can see, Lucifer, it doesn’t pay to be nice to people.

  • Lucifer:

    But why did she forgive them?

  • God:

    She didn’t. She was told that they would be punished for their behaviour. Instead, nobody did a thing about it.

  • Lucifer:

    I knew nothing about all this.

  • God:

    Yet, you passed judgement. To her detriment. And you allowed and keep allowing every one to hurt her. She is not your property, neither is her money.

  • Lucifer:

    Well we need her money. There are a lot of poor children dying. Her money will be very good in Education. Our teachers are poorly paid.

  • God:

    Good. There are a lot of starving children, and instead of digging in your pocket you dig into her pocket and send her to starve.

    So, you saw that she had money and you said: “Here is our prey.” But you see, District Superintendent, I showed her every thing you do… Your abuse of power…

  • Lucifer:

    Oh, you are talking about that film… “The Accursed Kings!” How kings dies one after the other because that stupid man cursed them. Easily done… that is a pigment of her sick imagination and yours, your highness… It is a film… And she hangs on to every word of it… Well, there are drugs for this… We can cure her. There are doctors.

  • God:

    Of course there are, and you should go and have your sick head examined, especially when you spread around the word that she “ABORTED A CHILD”.

  • Lucifer:

    It wasn`t me who did?

  • God:

    I know. You use MECHANICS … We already know about that. Throw the stone and hid the hand… That is what Germans do. They go around and kill millions of hebrews because they didn`t like the colour of their skin and then say, IT WASN`T ME, I wasn`t there… I WASN`T EVEN BORN… It was the Greek Stalker who did it… because you promised her in wife to him if he could DEFAME her mercilessly, so that you could have peace in your school. You see, you realised soon enough that she had a big mouth unlike many other TEACHERS that you had thrown in the streets.

  • Lucifer:

    There was something more… There was a miscarriage.

  • God:

    I know. And I made sure she learned about that as well. You were doing things behind closed doors, meetings ALLA CARBONARA … but at the same time, the nature of your meeting was revealed to her by me, little me, YOUR GOD. I was telling her everything that you were talking about. Remember, Lucifer? she never wanted to go away from that school. Your teachers, the English Department teachers were telling her again and again during those chaos eight or nine months that she worked there, to stay home, to relax. That is the story of her life, since April 1996. Everybody tells her to relax… Not to get exited. Let`s take your job… RELAX. Let`s take your other job anywhere else… RELAX. See a DOCTOR. RELAX. Let`s take your mother`s life… RELAX. Let`s ruin your brother and they we pay the debts with your money by selling the units, the money you saved for your old age, your peaceful old age. RELAX. We are doing nothing, we only steal from companies, we only kill, we put people on the streets and we will marry you off to Greek penis puller. Let`s take whatever you have… RELAX. You are HARASSING US.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    I made sure that she learned everything that was said in your secret meeting… EVERY THING Lucifer.

  • Lucifer:

    There was a miscarriage and it was because of her…

  • God:

    Okay let`s analyse it, Lucifer. A woman has a miscarriage and the English department teacher decide to throw the faulth on her… and you decided to believe in them… and some priests decided to believe in them (WE CAN`T UNDERSTAND OTHERWISE THE INVOLVEMENT OF PRIEST AND NUNS) … why was she in fault?

  • Lucifer:

    The man has fallen in love with her… his wife couldn`t take it.

  • God:

    That the man had fallen in love with her… we had understood it.

  • Lucifer:

    His wife was pregnant.

  • God:

    And what does that have to do with her?

  • Lucifer:

    His wife was jealous… Jealous at the point to loose her child..

  • God:

    So, a wife is jealous of her husband… and she cops it.

  • Lucifer:

    All the teachers talked about it.

  • God:

    Now, let me tell you how I saw it all and then reported it to her.

  • Lucifer:

    Watch it!!!!!!!!!!

  • God:

    What is the matter, English Head Teacher, you are becoming unsteady, aren`t you??

  • Lucifer:

    I have nothing to do with this.

  • God:

    But you have. Because it was you who started the whole ordeal. Because it was you who spread the rumours. Firstly you tried with the kids… giving them the ideas in what they should say to her or how to behave with her. Their questions to her were: “Miss when are you leaving? When is the new teacher coming? We are happy to have a meeting with her, THE English Head Teacher is our friend?” Those students spread the rumours that YOU put in heir heads.

    You, and your influence, your authoritative influence. You excercited your powers of an English Head Teacher, to kill her, her family, and every body she gets in contact with. YOU instructed the students to give her a hard time at school.

    And when you realised that she had planted her feet on the ground…. You knew that you had to do something about it. And you did.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    There was a very hush hush meeting with you and your toy boy. Firstly, you wispered in his ears was “I think she is a virgin” and he replied with wonderment in his hushed voice “A VIRGIN”. She overheard you and him. She knew you were talking about her. It is a general idea isn`t? If a woman cannot control the class is because she is still a baby, not a woman yet… she must be a virgin. EHI? She certainly couldn`t control the class… you are right there… So teachers you need to have sex before you engage yourselves in teaching, it seems the decree of the English Head Teacher… and boy, she is a Head Teacher, Dare you to argue with that?

  • Lucifer and his ally:


  • God:

    And then the secret agreement “That`s the only way… Will you do it? …. “ and the reply “Yes, I will.”

  • Lucifer:

    What are you talking about?

  • God:

    Scottish man, what I am talking about is that you became the English Head Teacher MECHANIC to seduce her so that you could create some FEELINGS … (remember the word?) You had to adopt the Machiavellian doctrine, of the END JUSTIFY THE MEANS in her, so that with the problem of the students falling from their chairs, throwing books from windows, making sexual advances to her IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE CLASS with girls looking like a tomato paste spread on their faces, along with that problem, you wanted to create another problem… to make her unstable… so that you could pack her well and good into a nut house…

  • Lucifer:

    I genuinly liked her.

  • God:

    I know. And she liked you too. There was a good relationship there, and the English Head Teacher knew that she had to destroy that… because she was supposed to be thrown out, not to be defended as you had done many times before. And you used to help her in those months that she worked there.

  • Lucifer:

    Why was she supposed to be thrown out?

  • God:

    She was supposed to be thrown out because it had been discovered that she had money… and the Department of School of Education is a MONEY DIGGER.

  • Lucifer:

    I still don`t understand what you are getting at?

  • God:

    Lucifer, the English Head Teacher made you a proposal, and you accepted that proposal. She wanted you to go further in the likings… and you did it… only you went a bit too for your good sake. You fell for her, madly. But I told her. And that is when she understood that it was time for her to leave.

  • Lucifer:

    She liked me to.

  • God:

    No. Lucifer. That is exactly where you are wrong. You flirted with her… but she saw through you… she knew that all of you were playing sick games, and therefore it was no longer safe for her to continue her teaching job. Because yes, it was her who left the job… she was sacked only after she refused to go back at the same school. And the reason why she refused to come back is because she knew that you wanted to finish the job properly with her, your dirty job the very one that the English Head Teacher had assigned you. Let`s revive “The Chocolate War” SHALL WE?

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    Your mistake is that although you thought that you were playing a game, the game of throwing her out, you fell for her and what was worst you couldn`t hide your sick feelings from your GESTAPO wife who eventually got jealous. Of course she was jealous of the wind, because there was only wind there, nothing else, and you know it and everybody else knew it as well. If you really wanted some juicy stories you had to look deeper into the English Deparment and History Department, because there seemed to be a nice love story of teachers making love in those departments. She overhead the teachers talking… and it seemed true to her. And I know it was true. Now that was a juicy nice liaison with English Department and History Department, I GUESS it is alright. English and History always went together…. But let`s concentrate on you at the moment.

  • Lucifer:

    How does she know all that? She looked like a dummy in that Department.

  • God:

    It is again your fault. She was a shy, dummy sort of person. It was you who wisened her up, with your ATROCIOUS DEFAMATION.

  • Lucifer:


  • God:

    So, Lucifer, you killed your own child, because you created this jealousy in your wife. She didn`t even know that you were married… Remember, she had too much to do when she was working there… While all you teachers were gathering for morning and afternoon tea or coffee, and chatting and passing pictures of naked women, which in passing between one duty and another, she would see, she was always on duties, always, and when she was not on duties she was sent to see the Principal, or the Deputy or the Lead. You name it. Every lunch or morning and afternoon tea break were booked for her. She knew nothing about you, nothing whatsoever. She knew nothing about you people. Any of you. Except what she overheard in passing. As matter of fact she understood that you were married only a few weeks before she left. So even if she liked you, which I can vouch she didn`t, if she didn`t know you were married and if she saw you liking her and flirting with her, why shouldn`t she give it try? Are you trying to tell me that she shouldn`t like any man, just because you are married. She is a free agent. She can like anyone she wants.

  • Lucifer:

    She created a mess in my life.

  • God:

    You created the mess yourself when you signed and sealed the deal that the English Head Teacher proposed to you. You even became a secretary of the union to make sure that you monitor the progress of her eviction. It is amazing, you must be very clever in history, for once upon a time, kings used to elect popes the people they wanted and needed in order to have their freedom to do anything they liked.
    If she wanted you, mancho man, even a tiny little bit, she would have stayed there and would have made sure that she would get you, wife or no wife. That is what women do when they want somebody. Look around you. Woman are ready to kill for the man they want. They do not go away. They stay there, they flirt. She went as fast as she could when I told her your intentions.

  • Lucifer:

    She should never sign anything.

  • God:

    And she will not. She sworn to herself, and she’d rather allow them to kill her than signing anything. But the traps continue. She finds work and it is instead a trap. She works for about six months only to find out that during those six months her boss practically is employed by the department of school of education as a stooge to nail her into some document signing prior to her conviction of being crazy. And it all continues... if things don’t happen your way... you even steel from companies in an attempt to throw the fault on her. And when she leaves... the traps continue... her brothers, her sister in law plan secret weddings, with tickets already purchased for the Greek islands... so that any job interview is actually a trap, an offer of a signature, an offer of marriage... an offer "please allow us to pass you for crazy, because we want your money".

  • Lucifer:

    What do I have to do with all this?

  • God:

    You have been the one who put her into this chaos. What is needed is evidence, Lucifer, and she knows that. So far she has documentation that in her last job there was a robbery to a company. So far she has pure nylon stockings in her underwear drawer, so far she has a pure white but unironed handkerchief in her underwear drawer, placed there by her sister in law, trying to tell her that what she is doing is to clean her up, (does she know that her divorced sister sleeps peacefully with a boyfriend?). So far she has nothing important for the police, because the police needs a body a dead body before they act... and that is what she will provide. Because in one of these traps planned by you, priests, her brothers, her sister in law, and the Greek Stalker, she will be caught, and when she will, she will allow you to kill her... and then there will be a dead body. So today she will be going to a job interview. Tell me, are all of you going to be there and force her to sign (AGAIN) a document where she will entitle you to have every thing of hers... She will not sign... she will provide instead a dead body to the police... because she will allow you to kill her instead as that Sicilian girl was killed sometime ago by her nephew’s friend.

  • Lucifer:

    We will be smart, after all I have all the Accountants and Lawyers on my side, we will drug her and than make her sign first. She will marry me, there and there, I stole her birth certificate from her house, her sister in law did it for me. I have every thing on hand. I only need to corner her. And then we will place her into the nut house along with her brother, that is why nobody answers her advertising of House for sale. We want that house and we shall have it.

  • God:

    We all know what you want. Her brothers have been pestering her and their brother for the title deeds. So she know what you are after. The point is she will not sign anything, no matter what you say.

  • Lucifer:

    We will drug her madly until she will sign.

  • God:

    And this book will tell the whole wide world that you are using undue influence on a person that you drugged first and as a consequence that signature will be worth nothing. Lucifer, you have led her brother into ruin... only because he decided to allow you. Well she will not allow you, she will let herself be killed and then all of you, department of education administrators, her brothers, the one in Italy and the married one here, will be going to jail. You see there are crimes that are committed without full knowledge and they are forgivable just as sins. A sin or a crime committed by a stupid is not a sin nor is a crime because there is no knowledge of the gravity of the sin or crime. In order to commit a crime you need to be completely aware of the gravity of the act you are doing. Now do know that you are committing a crime in her regards, because you are solicitors, accountants, teachers and priests… it all equals to complete knowledge. Hence the crime. In addition, there is the idea of a premeditated crime. That aggravates the action that you are planning. Because someone may kill on the spot, as an act of madness or irascibility… and that could be forgivable and be passed as crazy act, but when you plan for years and years… that means that you are really using your full knowledge towards the crime that you are planning to commit. The police will have their body, and you will be going to jail. Besides assuring you also a place in Hell. and the Greek Stalker, her sister in law, and some priests will have enough time in jail to ... yourselves at your satisfaction...


  • Chapter 7

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