::THOUGHTS::   ::KUNPATSU-KUN::   ::I AM::   ::GENGA::    ::RINGS::  


This is the other part where you submit your work and we put it up. Right, Quatre? #Hai, Kitty-Chan! And we know there's lots of talented authors out there!# Soooooo SUBMIT your work to me! Oh, Yeah. I also acept shonen ai/yaoi stories! But, when you DO send them please warn me so! Arigatou!

Y= yaoi/shonen ai content
L= hentai/lemon content
R= rape.... ya'll know what that is
H= random psychoness, stuff that makes you laugh 'till ya drop
A= angsty kind of stuff
D= very dramatic stuff


Work done by: Mirai No Hope/Himeko
HHiiro's First Week Of Kindergarden
HThe High School Traumas

Work done by: Kitty/Shino Tenshi
YPatch it up
HA day in Cherry Hill Elementary
A, SuicideMy Suicide Note

Work done by: Alex-Chan
Y/HBraids+Skirts+SD Chibi Heero Boxers= Pissed Off Gundam Pilot
YBallet Gundam
Y/HIf You Ever Saw Him

Work done by: Starseeker
Silent Storm Part: D/H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
DCycles of Battle
Dcycles of Battle Conclusion
Lost and Found
Y/HThings that go 'Mwahahaha' in the night

Go back
