::THOUGHTS::   ::KUNPATSU-KUN::   ::I AM::   ::GENGA::    ::RINGS::  


Ossu! So ya have reached the 'Genga'. The picture collection. =^_^= I'm glad ya did so you can see all 'da piccies I have! But, remember if ya want some tell me(KITTY) first. ^_^ ENJOY!!!!!

Heero Yuy
Chibi Heero kawaii-ness
A very HANDSOME Heero- he'll probably shoot me if he heard me
Another handsome picture of Shibaku Shonen
Heero looks like he gonna ride a horse- Maybe Duo? Oo
Chib Heero Yuy in pajamas- NO KAWAII!!
Oh, yummy! *glomp!!*- Arigatou Gozaimazu to my little sister Nijuu-gou aka Shino Megami who is also the keeper of "Deep Thoughts"
Heero with Wing Zero behind
Heero in a school uniform with Quatre next
Heero with his jacket dangling from his shoulder and Duo next to him in those leather pants *DROOL*
Heero pointing a gun right at you
Heero standing there
I LOVE this picture! He looks so.... AWESOME

Duo Maxwell
KILLER Duo.. hehe killer... get it? haha never mind......
Another one of Duo. I never can get 'nuff...

Trowa Barton
None at the time, gomen nasai......

Quatre R. Winner
I love it when Quatre has determined look on his face
HE LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL HERE!! why does everyone say he's fay T_T he isnt!
Quatre just standing there lookin' cute

Wufei Chang
None at the time, gomen nasai......

CHIBIS!!! (big image)
Chibi Pilots! =^-^=
Circuz boyz! looks like trowa handed them a partime job ^_^ I couldnt get wewena out though!
This piccy I like. Looks like a sketch for manga or doujinshi
Wufei, Duo & Kinpatsu-kun(means blondie) dressed up *yummy*!
*drools* OO I LUV this picture!! They all look so handsome!! ^_^!!!!!
I absolutely love this picture too! ^_^
Chibi Trowa, Chibi Quatre and Chibi Wufei- SO KAWAII!!
A piccy from Endless Waltz
PILOTS WITH GUNS!! *sweatdrop* Im not sure i wanna leave 'em with 'em!!
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