::THOUGHTS::   ::KUNPATSU-KUN::   ::I AM::   ::GENGA::    ::RINGS::  


This is Kinpatsu-kun/Kunpatsu-kun meaning Blondie in japanese. This is a shrine to Quatre Raberba Winner. The html for this shrine before went to hell so I am in the process of remodeling it. Sorry if there isnt much about now.

Name: Quatre Raberba Winner
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Arabian
Height: 156 cm (5'1")
Weight: 41 kg (90 lb.)
Eye color: True blue
Hair color: Generous platinum-gold
The scoop: Quatre is the noble heir to a family of space-colony builders who now fights for freedom as the pilot of the Gundam Sandrock. He's gentle as he is brave and always gives his enemies a chance to surrender.
Friends and allies: Quatre often travels with the Maganac Crops, a private army of 40 brave soldiers who help him in battle. We hear that he and Trowa and really good friends too. (KOIBITO!!)
Pet peeves: That people are always fighting and killing and generally not getting along. After all, it's such a beautiful world!
Fun Facts:Quatre is the youngest child, and only son of the Winner family household. He has 29 older sisters-imagine that!
Yaoi Pairing: Trowa Barton