::THOUGHTS::   ::KUNPATSU-KUN::   ::I AM::   ::GENGA::    ::RINGS::  


Shinigami/Awakening of Evil/Dead Priest
I am the devil, the God of Strife, Lord of Slaughter, Master of Death. Where there is pain, I am. Where there is suffering, I flourish. Without conflict, without struggle, without me to hate, to blame, who would've cause this magnificent hell, and to call themselves just? Only a fool would seek contentment in peace and tranquility....

Welcome to Shinigami's place. This is special place for him. Where he can come in and relax. Hi my name is Hippy. (COORNNNNNYYY!!) Say hi Duo! $Hi Duo!$ ^_^ Isn't he just adorable!> Kitty has let me manage this part because I'm a MAJOR Shinigami fan! Oh yeah! Please don't take any of the stuff placed here of Duo will come after you with Deathscythe-HELL and you'll find out why he's called the GOD OF DEATH. $*smiles evilly*$

When this SHINIGAMI! or this one means its new.

Name: Duo Maxwell
Age: 15
Ethnicity: American
Height: 156 cm (5'1")
Weight: 43 kg (95 lb.)
Eye color: Mischievous cobalt blue
Hair color: Boyish brown, with a 3-foot braid.
The scoop: With his cheerful personality and great sense of humor, Duo is surely the best date out of the five Gundam pilots. Don't get on the bad side of this Gundam pilot, though, you'll find out why they call him "The God of Death"!
Friends and allies: Duo's a member of the Sweeper Group, an organization of scavengers and junk merchants, which helps him in his mission. He's also friends with Heero- at least he thinks so!
                                           Pet peeves: The way Heero keeps stealing his Gundam's spare parts.
                                           Fun Facts: Duo may be a great secret agent, but what he really enjoys doing is salvaging                                            and junk-dealing.

Duo's life jas been rather caothic since he was a young boy. Having no family whatsoever; Duo was raised at a place called the Maxwell Orphanage (I think). Duo has had long hair which he braids wince he was the age of four. Duo aquired his name after the Orphanage-- and his passed away(And only) friend--
He runs, he hides; but he never lies/ Duo Maxwell! It's true Duo never lies. No matter the situation he NEVER lies. COUGHCOUGHbullshitCOUGHCOUGH $HEY! >=I$

Duo interview-By:Valerie Maxwell(ShinoMegami)

Images of Duo!
Thumbnails soon to come!!
Rainy day man!
Basketball baby!
I love this pictureeeeeee!!!!
This is the picture I fell in love with!
Stupid cat is ssssssooooooo lucky!!!
Chibi-Duo!! Sooooooooo Kawaii!!
Shinigami!! Love it when they draw his like this!!
Nice sunglasses!
           More sunglasses Duo!!

Yaoi pairings
Duo Maxwell is often paried with Heero Yuy. (1X2) Since Duo is overly cheery and Heero is not, basically would make them the perfect couple. And I will prove my point in why. He also in somtimes paired of with Hilde. I don't know WHY.
Heero is often gloomy and very quiet. Duo is overly cheery and happy. (considering his awful past) Duo tends to cheer Heero in basis mostly making him smile. Yeah I know scary. It's like a balanced relationship in between this two. Making them well..... perfect in the eyes of others. But, of course if Duo-- or Heero-- would be female it would be more accepted in society but, since society is so fucked-up--and it's true cause I'm the result of it-- they are too scared of the consecuences and ban this kind of stuff. Well, anyway back to the subject. Somtimes often too, Duo is paired with others as well. (2X3),(2X5),(2X4). This is the cause of Doujinshi. It's basically a manga(comic) made by OTHER authors with copyrighted services so they don't get sued. Doujinshi is mostly hentai/yaoi/yuri and that stuff. Maybe all three. Oo. Well, anyway Duo is mostly paired up with Heero or in certain times Wufei. (don't ask ME) Maybe because Wufei is quiet and stuff like Heero or something. Well I'm just explaining the pairings that often placed in. ~_~

approved by duo!

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