::THOUGHTS::   ::KUNPATSU-KUN::   ::I AM::   ::GENGA::    ::RINGS::  


Hi it's me Nijuu!(aka Shinomegami) This is the section in where I put in my crazy deep thoughts. And if you want too you can submit your own. o0 I think. The new ones are at the bottom... hehe bottom.
Everything new has YUMMY SEPHIROTH next to it *drool-ness*

Man Who Goes To Bed With Itchy Butt Wake Up With Smelly Finger


Never try to hurt anyone intentionally, but if you do, apologize for it,
then be prepared to be their slave for life.


Never mess with anyone else's man, especially if their name is Nijuu,
or they will chase you with a sword until they catch you and decapitate you.


Never piss of a saiyan with wings. (ME!)


Want a real deep thought? Never take advice from Kitty.

- Wu Fei

Just trick 'em with a sexy voice, and reel 'em in!

-Kitty Himura

Caution! Kamikaze driver!

-Juunana-gou(#17)[NOTE: he LOVES to drive ~_~]

Wait, I think I feel a poem coming on........ *belches* Sorry. False alarm.

-Daria Morgendorffer

Perfection is an illusion


Never mess with a chick wearing knee-high biker boots


Look into the eyes of a demon, but NEVER judge what you see until you compare them to what you see in your own


Love is blinde but not deaf


Never test depth of water with both feet


YUMMY SEPHIROTH I'm not a hunter! I'm a wildlife population control specialist!


YUMMY SEPHIROTH Revenge is dish best served with an appetizer of whoop-ass!


YUMMY SEPHIROTH Unless you have something intelligent to say, don;t open your mouth to proclaim some dumbass bullshit poser comment


YUMMY SEPHIROTH Men are only good for one thing only, and they aren't that good at it either

-Kitty Himura

YUMMY SEPHIROTH Men are only good for one thing--CREDIT CARDS!


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