::THOUGHTS::   ::KUNPATSU-KUN::   ::I AM::   ::GENGA::    ::RINGS::  

::I AM::

that's supposed to be.... ME!!
Please don't mind the mess behind me... WE are REDECORATING!!

The about me page.... Keep your hands and feet inside the cart at all times. And please don't touch the flamming walls....

Name:Kitty Himura/Jennifer (I forgot my last name...)
Age: Something with a 5...
Ethnicity: Latin/Puerto Rico
Sex: Obviously FEMALE
Hair: Straight brown hair with blonde streaks
Eyes: Plain Brown
The scoop: Anti-social, dry, sttubborn as hell. Kitty isn't obviously much of a people person. Having more guy friends than female companion it has made her sort of a tomboy with a sour attitude and a very weird perverted sense of humour. Often moody, can be silent at the wind and loud as Chris Rock on his midnight show.
Friends and allies: Being betrayed by a good childhood friend has left her kinda closed for herself. Eventually opening up a bit to people she truly trusts. Even if she's revealing bit by bit. Sometimes unravel completly to oblivious strangers who care enough to pay attention.
Pet peeves: People who think they are better than you just cause they get the latest EVERYTHING and you get it about three months later...
Fun facts: In her house ANYTHING can get easily lost by just looking at it and almost nothing ever WORKS RIGHT!!

Favorite Bands:
Nine Inch Nails- Hah! Joshy boi introduced them to me! And I just LOVE him!! DL videos about him like crazy lately...my god sits in the back of the limousine my god comes in a wrapper of cellophane my god pouts on the cover of the magazine my god's a shallow little bitch trying to make the scene
Barenaked Ladies- I just loved them like I dunno. I really really long time. Love the rhymes it all makes sense! You can hideout under there, I just made you say underwear...
A Perfect Circle- Shino Megami introduced them to me. Like that I love them too! ^_^ overcome by your moving temple overcome by this holiest of altars so pure so rare to witness such an earthly goddess that i've lost my self control beyond compelled to throw this dollar down
TOOL- A CLASSIC! I've heard of them before, I loved the vids but I never really paid much attention. Now that I have a break and I get to listen more I AM FASCINATED BY THEIR MUSIC AND THE LYRICS!! They are just beautiful! I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them fall away Mildewed and smoldering. Fundamental differing. Pure intention juxtaposed will set two lovers souls in motion Disintegrating as it goes testing our communication
Eminem- I JUST LOVE THE MAN!! Dear Slim, I wrote you but you still ain't callin' I left my cell, my pager, and my home phone at the bottom I sent two letters back in autumn You must not have got 'em It probably was a problem at the post office or somethin' Sometimes I scribble addresses too sloppy when I jot 'em
Smashing Pumpkins- I never was a huge fan of the band but I had my favorites. ^_^ They are just so smooth and so good! Lyrics are pretty too, dammit. it's you that I adore you'll always be my whore you'll be the mother to my child and a child to my heart we must never be apart we must never be apart
Gorillaz- Like almost everyone else I was captured by that damn animated video. Purdy thingies moving around with shiny colors.... Yeah. I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine, in a bag I'm useless,but not for long The future is coming on
Blink 182- Love 'em. Cant really say more.Yeah, my girlfriend takes me home when I'm too drunk to drive And she doesn't get all jealous when I hang out with the guys She laughs at my dumb jokes when no one does She brings me mexican food from Sombrero's just because
Weezer- After hearing Alex-chan talk about 'em so much I wanted to check 'em out myself. Love the voice, and they just rule!! Hip hip, hip hip When you're on a holiday You can't find the words to say All the things that come to you And I want to be there too
Guttermouth- Punk rock just keeps getting better and better! on a tuesday afternoon my mom came into my room and said get the fuck up outta bed and get a god damned job so i told her hey fuck you yom and threw the phone at her head but i missed and hit her in the cunt so i slamed the door in her face
Marilyn Manson- I admire the guy, proclaimed Anti-Christ. Getting easily blamed for any massacre that so happens about ANYWHERE! It's a miracle he still hasnt told us to go fuck ourselves... or has he already...? *blink blink* The drugs they say Make us feel so hollow We love in vain Narcissistic and so shallow The cops and queers To swim you have to swallow Hate today
3 Doors Down- I just like 3 songs... So you call this your free country, tell me why does it cost so much to live?
Rob Zombie- Helluva good music. What I listen to when I feel kinda vampiric.... And out of darkness, the Zombie did call. True pain and suffering he brought to them all. A wave and the children would hide in their beds. For fear that the devil would chop off their heads.
Aerosmith- Classic! I just adore the guy. Every song he throws out its a big hit! dammit!
Sugar Ray- HE OWNS ME!!

There's a saying somewhere that says your best friend could be your worst enemy. Gee, couldnt they be even more right. *sweatdrop* When we are angry/pissed at each other we often say shit we KNOW we are gonna regret later on, but we do it either way just to piss off the other one. We often wrestle, throw stuff (food, rocks, garbage), trip each other, and copy off our homeworks. WE all just have a bootiful friendship where nobody gives a damn about nobody! *sighs* Yeah, nobody gets too attached to anybody just in case of anything.

MARiA- My best friend! Up until now...
This chick's the one who keeps me from jumping off a cliff at any given time. Or cheer and encourage me to actually DO jump off a cliff, but you never know with her. An aspiring actress, she hopes to be one of the best out there somewhere. Often spacing off into Naboo (her fantasy world) and being a hopeless romantic most of the time. She's a good friend of mine, and listens to my useless rants and whining most of the time. Plus, she let's me copy off her homework when I havent done mine. (which is like ALWAYS).
Favorite Song: Right now I dont know since she likes just about anything....
Quote: Shit Happens... Deal with it

I'll write more about me when... Umm... I find what to write...

yeah I dont like Pokemon..... SO WHAT?

My Online Journal- Wanna see my daily rantings? Were not DAILY... Cuz I tend to forget....
The Poke-Bishounen that I have Caught!!

The haxor handle of Kitty Himura is "Poison Haxx0r".
What's yours? Enter your name:

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