::THOUGHTS::   ::KUNPATSU-KUN::   ::I AM::   ::GENGA::    ::RINGS::  


Konnichi wa. It's me again(KITTY!). So this is the section where I put a shrine to Chang Wu Fei. Wu Fei's pretty sugoi too! Cause well I'm sick of all the Heero/Relena (EW!).... shrines out there. We have our Duo shrine. Maybe you'd like to visit it later. Nah........ I'm just sick of the Relena shrines. *Onna no baka! Why don't you let them enjoy my shrine!?*(<--Chang) Well excuse me! I'm just introducing them! And I'm not baka! *Weakling onna. Let them enjoy!* Damare Woofie! *I thought I told you to NOT call me that!* Arghhhhhhh! Enjoy the shrine! >:( I'll just go have some FUN With Wu Fei now.... *devilish smile* >=}

When something new is up this or this will appear.

Name: Chang Wu fei
Age: 15
Ethnicity: Chinese
Height: 156 cm (5'1")(He's smaller than me!)
Weight: 46 kg (101 Lb.)(and also weights LESS than me!)
Eye color: Unfathomable black
Hair color: Glossy black, with traditional queue(pigtail)
The scoop: This fierce fighter is descended from an ancient Chinese warrior clan; as well as being a superb pilot, he's also a master in of the martial arts. Wu fei is proud of his own abilities but not too impressed by anyone else's, so he prefers to work alone.
Friends and allies: The only ally Wu Fei trusts is his Shenlong Gundam.
Pet Peeves: Weakness, especially weak people who insist on fighting anyway.
Fun facts: Wu Fei calls his Gundam "Nataku," after his dead wife. (awww. Isn't that sweet?)

I have no idea what he is saying, but he just untied himself from an OZ trap Wufei may be arrogant, and a complete masochist but I think he's sweet and respectful even though you might find that a bit hard to believe after you've gotten your first impression of him.
Wufei used to be a scholar always burying himself in his books to avoid the harsh reality of his life. He was forced to be wed at the age of 15 and it'd been hard to maintain it since he'd never gotten along --or loved her-- in the first place. But, when the death of his wife finally arrived it seemed to have give a very hard hit on his life. Meiran was her name and she used to call herself "Nataku" after a chinese-warrior legend. After the death of Meiran, Wufei took up his warrior side respectfully and named his Gundam Shenglong 'Nataku' in honor of his wife and warrior.

Images of Wu Fei!!!
I'd love to place them as thumbnails. When I actually LEARN how to do them!

Bloody Wu Fei. Did you murder somebody?
Can't get enough of you baby........
So cuuuutttteeeee!!!

approved by wufei!

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