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Words Of Wisdom

We all have words of wisdom!
If you have any you would like added to this page,
Please send to Painted Turtle at e-mail below.
Be sure to put subject: Words of Wisdom. Wado (Thank you)

These pages represent the Native Americans
as they are - not as the history books,
the history books written by the conquerors,
have shown them.

Native Americans are not the uncivilized savages
that the media has portrayed for years.
But think about this: If some one would come
to you and say “Get off this land and go far away”
Would you not fight to keep what was yours?
Sure you would and that is all that we done.
So you see we are not uncivilized at all.
All the citizens of this continent would also fight,
if they were invaded by another people,
who wanted to take their land and their resources.

We are American Indians and we are proud people.
These pages are far from being done.
If you have any comments or suggestions,
feel free to e-mail the Woodland Cherokee.

If any one out there has information on Powwows
or Festivals, Please e-mail me and I will add them
to the page of Powwows which is now added.
I would truly like to have more Powwows to add.

How do we tell our children that at one time we were free
But lost it.
Had the right to choose what we wished to do and how we lived
but lost it.
How do we tell them that they will never have the choices that we had
Because we lost it all.
What will we tell our children?

What will we tell our children when they ask what is a bear, wolf, etc.?
How do we tell them that we were afraid and killed them all out?
Why can’t we all learn to live in peace with our brothers and sisters?
Our ancestors had the correct idea. How did that idea get lost so that we
have no clue about how our ancestors lived.
We must all find the correct path to follow and get back to
peace with the land, animals, and each other.

Here are 2 true stories of words of wisdom
that maybe some one will listen and
learn that we all can indeed live
together with the animals of this land.
One is The Bear and the other is The Cougar.
Please read these. Just Click on links below.

Most people have the wrong idea.

Belief System

Why we must NOT disturb them.

Pages created by: Lonewolf (AKA Painted Turtle)