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American History

     American History is a course that covers the History of the U.S. from Colonization through the Vietnam War and hopefully beyond.  The class is set up to prepare students for what they may experience through a college survey History course.  In the class I hope to utilize many methods of teaching including but not limited to lecture, small group, video, and individual student research.

     This class is graded heavily on tests.  Tests consists of 3 sections; identify, essay and multiple choice.  Other assignments include section reviews, small group work, and a final project each semester.  More information on this project will be handed out by early September.  The grading scale itself will be based on the scale explained in the Marquette Handbook.

     In teaching I believe highly in the use of video for instruction.  Video presents a visual to students that cannot be achieved in traditional lecture or even group work.  It also leads students to ask more questions about things they do not understand.  We will watch at least three feature films throughout the year.  As of now they may include The Patriot, Gettysburg, and Saving Private Ryan.  This may change as all three are related to war, and this is not the only theme in American History.

    Respect is the only rule in my classroom. As high school students, I feel the days of written rules are behind you.  There is not one rule that has been written that does not fit under the definition of respect.  This goes not only for your actions toward me, but toward other students as well.  If you have any questions about this, I will be glad to answer them.

    Lastly, you get out of a class what you put into it.  The same truth with this one.  It is easy for students to sit back and coast through a class.  Those who ask questions are those who succeed.  IF YOU HAVE A QUESTION, ASK ME.  I am more than happy to help you understand material or any other question during class or outside class time.  I am looking forward to the coming year with all of you on our journey through American History.

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