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Grades 9-12
Full year

This course would be good to have as a background in composition and design in other art related fields.  All students are encouraged to take the basic art class to study ways to communicate visually.  It is a course geared to all students who enjoy something different, something creative and totally involving.  All media such as pencil, ink, watercolor, printing and tempera painting will be studied.  A special effort will be made to experiment with sculptural materials, clay and photography.  Special drawing materials are included in the fee, however each student will be required to have a sketchbook.

Fee:  $15.00


Grades 10-12
First semester 


A better name for this course may be advanced pictorial compositions.  Individual projects are suited to each student although the major emphasis is placed on the visual communication of painting; while art history is handled individually.  The class will be painting in oil medium upon a stretched canvas and building a frame for the finished work.  Some work in abstract, expressionism and classroom teaching is enhanced with special field trips to local artists' studios and galleries in Bellevue as well as the surrounding area.  Final testing is handled by individual critiques and open notebook analysis.  The lab fee covers turpentine, varnish and canvas materials.  This course is a requirement for any student wishing to apply for Independent Art and is recommended to anyone planning pursue a career in the field of art.

Prerequisite:  Visual World

Fee:  $15.00


Grades 10-12
Either semester

A semester or year of Visual World would be good background for composition and design elements, however this course is designed for anyone interested in taking pictures.  This class will be a study in camera operations, film developing and print processing.  The emphasis will bend toward the artistic point of view of communication with the visual images.  Animation, video taping and computer graphics will also be introduced as time permits.  The studio has five cameras which students will be able to use plus close-up lens, telephoto, flash attachments and five enlargers.  This class is also recommended for yearbook and newspaper staff personnel.

Fee:  $15.00


Grades 10-12
First Semester

Sculpture is working with medias that offer a chance to stand by themselves  Clay, plaster and wood would be covered along with softer medias to practice handling.  Additive studies along with substractive elements in sculpture will be explored and most students will have the chance to work in their favorite medium rather.  Sketchbooks are required.

Prerequisite:  Visual World

Fee:  $15.00


Grades 11-12
First Semester

An introductory course covering a variety of basic and advanced printing processes.  Included are mono-prints, woodcut, batik, etching, engraving, intaglio, and photo-silkscreen.  Graphic technique will be studied through use of video, demonstration, and hands-on activities.  Additional units on history of print and careers will enhance learning.

Prerequisite:  Visual World

Fee:  $15.00


Grades 10-12
Second semester

This course is geared toward an understanding and an appreciation for clay, wheel-throwing. slab and coil. The student will be exposed to glaze firing. Again the emphasis is placed upon the student's projects which in turn are the property of the student.  Raku firings, field trips to local potters and art exhibits in the area will be included as time permits.  Grading will be based upon the 30-40 projects that will be attempted.  Visual World would be good as a background in he creative process of ceramics.

Fee:  $15.00


Grade 12
Either semester

A course personally designed for students who feel they can independently handle their direction for art.  Some medias like oil paint will require a lab fee.  All students will be required to fill out their curriculum contract that will indicate the grade and project work required to achieve that grade.  Personal critiques will be given as needed to continue student progress.

Prerequisite:  Visual World plus two additional studio credits (from painting, sculpture or graphics) with an "A" average.

Fee:  Determined by Instructor

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