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Grades 9-12
Either semester

Learn basic keyboard knowledge while developing computer skills on PC computers.  Emphasis is placed on proper techniques, posture and position, and learning formats such as letters, tables and reports.  It is also designed to sharpen related English skills.  Students who can pass a three minute speed test and type 35 words a minute with three errors or less will be moved on to word processing.  A keyboarding program which records speed and errors in timings and checks documents is used in this course.

Grades 9-12
Second semester

This course is a continuation of Keyboarding I and is a must for anyone in this computer age!  Time is spent developing speed and accuracy plus learning computer and document knowledge necessary for personal use or for on the job.  Many documents are the same as in Keyboarding I but with added features.  One simulation is used - Fun and Games International - which gives students experiences in keying workplace materials.  MS Office 2000 Word will be used to complete the simulations.  Also the Internet will be used for many of the enrichment activities. 

Prerequisite:  Keyboarding Plus


Grades 9-12
First semester

General Business will attempt to cover the competencies related to each individual's every life:  practical money management, using banking services, using credit wisely, insurance needs, saving and investing and income tax preparation. A workbook fee will be charged. 

Fee:  $5.00


Grades 9-12
Second semester

General Business II will cover competencies in leadership, job getting, job keeping and entrepreneurship.  Teamwork, self management and problem solving are additional topics.  The two C.O.R.E. classes will meet common competencies for Home Economics, Industrial Education, Marketing Education and Agricultural Education. A workbook fee will be charged.

Fee:  $5.00


Grade 10-12
Full year

Office XP is the latest software version of Microsoft Office.  Projects will be completed using Word with Desktop Publishing, Excel, Access, Publisher and Outlook.  Students will use Word to create documents such as letters and reports.  Excel will be used to create spreadsheets which involves working with numbers and formulas to prepare budgets, financial statements and charts.  Access will be used to set up, record and sort data.  Outlook allows students to track appointments and keep an up-to-date address book. 

Prerequisites:  Computers II


Grades 10-12
Full year

Accounting provides a basic understanding of the accounting cycle. The material will aid in keeping personal records or the records of a modern business office. The student will find this course useful in pursuing a business career.  This course endeavors to give the student concepts needed in business and personal affairs.  The lab fee is for s workbook and business simulation.  The microcomputer will be used to show automated accounting systems. 

Fee:  $10.00


Grade 11-12
Full Year

Advanced accounting is a continuation of Accounting.  Additional information on accounting forms and procedures is added to the knowledge from bookkeeping.  Students will take various job roles and do the reporting.  An excellent class for those who did well in accounting and those who are interested in business careers.  Automated accounting will be taught as a unit where all accounting procedures will be automated instead of manually doing them as in Accounting I. 

Prerequisite:  Accounting 
Fee:  $10.00


Grade 11-12
Full year

This course covers making travel arrangements, records management, business etiquette, handling mail, telephone techniques, and most importantly - application letters, resumes, and how to have a successful interview.  The highlight of the course is the workflow simulation, RELAY, used second semester.  RELAY is a wholesale distributor of creative novelty items sold to schools, churches, and community organizations for the purpose of fund raising.  Students hold positions such as Administrative Assistant, Advertising Specialist, Human Resource Specialist, Inventory Controller, etc. and interact with each other to carry out the goal of the business - to make a profit. 

Prerequisite:  Keyboarding Plus

Grade 11-12
Second semester
During this one semester course students will earn to use three very powerful and important pieces of software: PhotoShop Elements, PowerPoint, and FrontPage. The third quarter will be devoted to PhotoShop Elements and PowerPoint. during the PhotoShop Elements unit students will learn how to operate a digital camera; how to download photographs from the digital camera to PhotoShop Elements; and how to sort and organize photographs in PhotoShop Elements. They will also learn how to fix, manipulate, and enhance photographs and create various projects including a scrapbook and presentation using the photographs taken or scanned for this course. While using PowerPoint students will learn to design and present multimedia projects. Word, Access, Excel, and Publisher from Microsoft Office XP will be used to produce projects. Word, Access, Excel, and Publisher from Microsoft Office XP will be used to produce slideshows and presentations in this powerful program. Use of the scanner, camera, and items from the Internet will make presentations fun and effective for an audience. The fourth quarter will be devoted to PowerPoint  and FrontPage. FrontPage is used to design web pages. Students will apply the information learned from PowerPoint and PhotoShop Elements to create web sites.
Prerequisite: Computers II

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