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Civil War Syllabus


    Civil War is a course that covers the events that comprise the Civil War Era. The Civil War was the turning point in U.S. history in which American democracy was pushed to its limits. The war itself was the bloodiest this nation has ever encountered. it is an excellent example of morality and culture being spilt in different directions.

    The course will begin by exploring the events and views that led up to the war. We will study the war itself including war strategy and tactics, the life of a soldier, and major battles and generals. We will also focus on the Reconstruction or the time period following the war.

    The tools we will utilize to study the Civil War will be movies and videos, resources such as the text, books, and the internet, and day to day note taking. Students are required to bring class materials (notebook, pens, etc.) to class.

    The course will be graded on tests, quizzes, daily work and assignments, projects (which have yet to be discussed), and class participation. Contribution to the class is vital to its success. If, at any point, you have concerns or questions regarding your success in the class come see me. We will progress at a pace that is most suitable to everyone in the class. The grading scale is the same as the one displaying in the Marquette Handbook.

    Respect is the main rule in class,  Respect me, others, property, and the classroom. Any rules in the handbook also apply to this classroom. Disobeying these rules will result in disciplinary action and may affect the student's grade for the course.

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