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Communications I - Syllabus

Course Description
This course is activity and performance based. The emphasis is on the practical aspects of communication. The students gain confidence in public speaking through varied speech exercises. Basic language skills are reinforced.

Students will be instructed in the basics of speech techniques. Students will deliver varied speeches.
Students will be assessed on the quality of the speeches through objective assessments.


Cheating--A student taking answers from another student receives a "0" for that assignment/ test. The student allowing answers to be "lifted" also gets a "0".
Late Assignments--All class work is due at the beginning of the class period of the assigned day. 10% of the grades forfeited for each class period that the assignment is not submitted.
Class Tardies--Three unexcused (no note) results in a demerit.
Taboo Words--Taboo words are not permitted in written assignments.
         thing (or any form----except nothing)
         a lot
         There are/is/was/were/will be  (THERE is never to begin a sentence)
         It is/it was/it were/it will be (unless each has a clear antecedent)
           Conditional words such as would, could, should are also to be AVOIDED
            The use of the future tense is not to be confused with the present tense
Cautionary words--Can/May are to be correctly used
    Can suggests ability
    May suggests permission
 Avoid all contractions in formal writing

Supplemental Reading: One extra novel per quarter

Rubrics: see appropriate handouts throughout the year

All grades are equal.
Dropping/ Replacing a Grade-Drop one of the first six grades. Replace one of of the next
six grades.

A 95-100%
A- 93-94%
B+ 91-92%
B 87-90%
B- 85-86%
C+ 83-84%
C 79-82%
C- 77-78%
D+ 75-76%
D 72-74%
D- 70-71%
F Below 70%


Communications I
The goal of this course is self-confidence. The student achieves this self-confidence by practicing speaking skills before peers. Varied gene of speech topics are assigned, prepped, and presented. An assessment for each speaking experience is presented.

The nature of this course is eclectic. I draw from many texts. Enclosed is a sample from each of the units.

(this is based on a 45 day semester)

COMMUNICATION THEORY                                                                                2 days
--video which explains the communication theory
                take notes from the video
                write a case study of a communication experience
                role play various communication experiences

READ A LOUD EXERCISES                                                                                 4 days
--phonics review
--hand out for oral reading
                prepared reading for a church service
                sight reading for a meeting -- report

HOW TO TELL A STORY                                                                                      2 days
--hand out for storytelling
                tell a Reader's Digest humorous story i.e., Humor in Uniform (memory)
                relate a story of personal life that has the element of ...never again.

INTERVIEW                                                                                                           4 days
--handout on interview basics
                practice How to respond to the following interviews:

POSTER ART                                                                                                         3 days
--hand out of rules governing poster art
                do a "selling" poster (free hand)
                do an upcoming event poster (computer)

ADVERTISING                                                                                                       1 day
--handout on the techniques used in this field
                view: "Killing Me Softly"
                analysis of advertising techniques

PARAPHRASE! SUMMARY                                                                                    2 days
--handout on rules governing paraphrase/summary
                practice both skills in both a written and oral format

MUSIC                                                                                                                    3 days
--study copyright laws
--study the message of the lyrics
                write a poem
                present a song and orally speak on its meaning to the student

SERMON                                                                                                                3 days
--collectively composed the criteria of a "good" sermon
                using the criteria each student writes and delivers a 10-14 minute sermon
                on a text from the New Testament to be given in a sacred setting

PUBLIC DISCUSSION                                                                                             2 days
--handout of suggested practices for communicating in a larger group.
                practice public discussion on a mutually agreed upon topic

PARLIAMENT PROCEDURE                                                                                  4 days
--handout which introduces students to the rules of parliamentary procedure
                Have a mock meeting where parliamentary procedure is followed

PRINT REFERENCE WORKS                                                                                  2 days
--handout of material which presents criteria
                test over the material

EXPERTS AND SURVEYS                                                                                      2 days
--handout on contrasts and comparisons for "authorities"
                from a variety of sources determine the authority

POWER POINT PRESENTATION                                                                             4 days
--review the how-to of power point
--select a topic readily available to the student (see list)
                present a power point with audio (vocal and music)

--students are responsible for mastering 60 suffix/prefix/root identifiers
                each week students are given a list of word identifies and will be tested on these

--students keep a class journal
                respond daily to: What did I learn?
                                        How is this knowledge helpful?

--a quarter and semester test covering handouts is given

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