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Computers I

Course Description
This course is designed to familiarize the student with the common applications of word processors, spreadsheets, and databases using the Microsoft Office integrated software package.   The goal of this course is to encourage and facilitate the use of the microcomputer in the student’s daily life.

Unit I   Word   
Unit II  Excel
Unit III Access

Respect for people and property.
Binder or pocket folder

Daily Work 30%
Quizzes 30%
Tests 30%

Grading Scale
A    95%-100%
A-   93%-94%
B+  91%-92%

B    85%-92%
B-   85%-86%
C+  83%-84%

C    77%-84%
C-   77%-78%
D+  75%-76%

D    71%-76%
D-   70%-71%

F     below 70%

If caught cheating, a zero will be given for the assignment. 

Late Assignments
Late assignments will not be accepted.

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