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Computers II

Course Description

Multimedia is the emphasis of Computers II. Students learn how to use digital cameras, digital camcorders, and scanners.  Multimedia projects are completed using photo editing, movie making, and power point software.

Respect for people and property.
Pocket Folder

Daily Work 50% (5 points given to a student each class)
*Points taken away for disruptive behavior, not using time constructivly, coming late to class, etc.
Labs  50%

Grading Scale
A  95% - 100%
A- 93% - 94%
B+91% - 92%
B  87% - 90% 
B- 85% - 86%
C+83% -84%
C  79% - 82%
C- 77% - 78%
D+75% - 76%
D  72% - 74%
D- 70% - 71%
F   below 70%

If caught cheating, a zero will be given for the assignment.

Late Assignments
Late assignments will not be accepted.

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