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Iowa Core Curriculum

Here at Marquette Catholic Schools we have been busy preparing for the Implementation of the Iowa Core Curriculum so listed below is additional information which will help explain what this process involves.

Developing K-12 Implementation Plan:

Spring 2012
Full Implementation 7-12

Summer 2014
Full Implementation K-6

Iowa Core Curriculum (ICC) Defined:
The Iowa Core Curriculum is a statewide effort to improve teaching and learning to ensure that all Iowa students engage in a rigorous and relevant curriculum.

The Iowa Core Curriculum defines the most critical learning for all students in the following areas:
  • Literacy
  • Mathmatics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • 21st Century Skills

Valuable Websites for Parents and Educators:

Iowa Public Television

Iowa Core Home Site
The purpose of this site is to help Iowans better understand the statewide academic expectations for K-12 students.