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Full year

Spanish I is a study to expressing greetings, introductions, and discussing the community, family, school, schedules, activities and weather in Spanish. It develops the ability to use Spanish verbs in the present tense and introduces one possible way to use the past tense.  We learn to pronounce words well enough for a foreign speaker to understand the Spanish we studied.  Students will learn how to communicate in certain situations. A beginning knowledge of the Spanish-speaking cultures of the United States, Mexico City, Mexico and San Juan, Puerto Rico are introduced.


Grades 10-12
Full year

Spanish II is a continuation of Spanish I. In Spanish II we learn how to identify places, give instructions and addresses, talk about shopping and bargaining, order and discuss food, describe our daily routine and chores, persuade others, describe past activites, make suggestions, talk about professions, and discuss future events. We explore more of the present tense verbs, but also learn to preterite form of verbs, how to give commands, use the present progressive and introduce one possible way to use the future tense. We continue to learn about Spanish-speaking cultures with a study of Oaxaca, Mexico, Barcelona, Spain and Quito, Ecuador. 

Prerequisite:  Spanish I with a C grade or teacher permission.


Grades 11-12
Full year

Spanish III is a continuation of Spanish II. A new text is introduced. Spanish will be spoken more frequently in the classroom setting. We begin with a review of what we have learned in Spanish I and II. We learn how to discuss leisture time and travel, express preferences, discuss communication, describe childhood experiences, discuss family celebrations, order in arestanurant, talk about daily routine and personal care, talk about  chores, and give advice. We explore more preterite forms of verbs, discover the imperfect verb form, the progressive tenses, different command forms, and the subjunctive verb form. We continue to learn about Spanish-speaking cultures with a more in-depth study of Spanish-speaking communities in the United States, Mexico City, Mexico and San Juan, Puerto Rico. 

Prerequisite:  Spanish II with a B grade or teacher permission.


Grade 12
Full year

Advanced Spanish is a continuation of the student's previous level of Spanish.  We use the same text as Spanish III.  More proficiency will be expected from the student along with a more in-depth study of Spanish-speaking ciltures. We will explore possibilites for using our Spanish knowledge in our futures.

Prerequisite:  Spanish III with teacher permission.

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