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General Math

General Description
This course stresses competency in fundamental arithmetic skills and their application in social and business arithmetic, homemaking and industrial crafts.

Chapter 1 Whole Number:  Addition / Subtraction
Chapter 2  Whole Number:  Multiplication
Chapter 3 Whole Number:  Division
Chapter 4 Graphs and Applications
Chapter 5 Decimals
Chapter 6 Decimals:  Division
Chapter 7 Applying Metric Measures I
Chapter 8 Applying Metric Measures II
Chapter 9 Fractions:  Addition / Subtraction
Chapter 10 Fractions:  Multiplication / Division
Chapter 11 Circles and Applications
Chapter 12 Equations, Ratio, and Proportion
Chapter 13 Per Cent
Chapter 14 More on Per Cent
Chapter 15 Statistics

Be respectful.
Do work in pencil.
Show work for problems.
Have red checking pen.

Quizzes 33.3%
Daily Work 33.3%
Tests 33.3%

Grading Scale
A 93 % - 100%
B 85% - 92%
C 77% - 84%
D 70% - 76%
F below 70%

If caught cheating, a zero will be given for the assignment and an “F” will be given for the quarter grade.

Late Assignments
Late assignments will have their percentage dropped by 10%.

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