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    A permanent record of each pupil is kept on file at school.  These records are private property and are submitted only when lawfully requested.  Should parents/guardians wish to see the records of their child, they should contact the principal.  (Archdiocesan Board of Education policy 5125).
    According to the Family Educational Right and Privacy Act of 1974, parents have the right to see their child's permanent record upon request. Anyone over the age of eighteen has the right to see his/her records. If you wish to view the records, please notify the office prior to your arrival.

    Parents have the right to school records (newsletters, report cards, parent teacher conferences, etc.)  In case of a student whose parents'  marriage has been dissolved or a separation of a parent from the home, the name and address of both parents should be on file. Unless otherwise decreed by a court order, information commonly made available to parents of any student in attendance at Marquette Catholic School System (notice of school functions , progress reports, newsletters etc. ) will be made available to both parents. The parent with physical custody of the child is responsible for tuition payments and fees unless other written arrangements have been made with the school.  (Archdiocesan Board of Education policy 5124)

    Marquette Catholic School Sytem does not send out student/graduate information to any outside organizations without written authorization of the student/graduate.  (Student Privacy Act, Archdiocesan Board of Education policy 5125)

    Guidance services are available to every student in the school. These include assistance with educational planning, interpretation of test scores, career information, help with the school, home, or social concerns, or any question the student may want to discuss with the counselor.

    The services of a psychologist, school nurse, social worker, speech therapist and diagnostic testing for learning disabilities are available through AEA 9.  Requests for these services are made by parents, or by teachers in agreement with parents and the school principal.  All parental right are strictly maintained.
    When your child has been referred for special education services, federal and state laws give you certain rights.  Some of these are:

  • The right to be contacted and told what the school plans to do about your child’s educational program.  This must be done before your child is tested or placed in a program.
  • You have the right to consent.  This means the school must have your permission prior to placing your child in a special education program.
  • The right to a full evaluation of your child’s needs.  If you do not agree with the school’s findings you may request an outside evaluation.
  • The right to see your child’s records kept at school.
  • The right to privacy of information.  With a few exceptions, no one may see your child’s record without your permission, given in writing.  Exceptions are people such as your child’s teacher, or other school officials engaged in planning your child’s education program.
  • The right, as much as possible, to have your child in classes with children who are not in special education programs.
  • The right to be involved in the development of your child’s IEP (individual education program).
  • The right to have someone present to help you in the development of your child’s IEP.  This could be another parent, a teacher, a lawyer, or an advocate.
  • The right to appeal decisions made by the school regarding your child’s diagnosis or placement.
  • If you desire additional information, please contact you child’s principal.

        Progress reports are issued four times a year as an indication of academic progress and personal growth. These reports should by read by the parents/guardians and discussed with the child so that growth will be a continuous process.

        Individual conferences are held after the first and third quarters. Students are invited and encouraged to attend these conferences. Adequate and clear communication between school and home is essential for the success of the children. Other parent-student-teacher conferences can be scheduled by either parents or teachers as the need is recognized.

        A variety of assessment test are given each year. Students in grades 2, 4 and 7 take the Cognitive Ability Test (CAT). Students in grades 7 and 10 take the State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS). Students in grades 4, 8 and 11 take the Iowa Collaborative Assessment Modules (ICAMS). Students in grades 3-8 take the Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS). Students in grades 9-12 take the Iowa Tests of Educational Development (ITEDS). When test results have been returned and analyzed, parents/guardians will receive appropriate information. In addition, personal conferences are available with parents to go over the results in more detail. Parents are encouraged to set up appointments if they wish more information.

        Marquette Catholic School System offers a global, multi-cultural, gender fair approach to the educational program. Marquette Catholic School System is committed to a curriculum that fosters respect and appreciation for cultural and racial diversity and an awareness of rights, duties, and responsibilities of each individual as a member of a multicultural, gender fair society. The education program is one of permeation and action for the implementation of the global, multicultural, and gender fair elements the students’ education.  (Archdiocesan Board of Education policy 6144.2)

        Human sexuality instruction is integrated into the religion program and is presented from the Catholic perspective in the context ot total growth. Parental/guradian support and involvement is an essential component of this program. Information will be sent to parents/guardians as the time for this program approaches. An option is provided for students whose parents/guardians do not want them to participate in these classes. A request for exemption must be sent in writing to the principal. Parents are permitted to review course materials at any time.

        A substance education program is one component of the guidance program.  It includes basic student education reinforcing activities/events, family education (through parent meetings), and utilization of appropriate community agencies.

        Each child has a scheduled time for P.E. class each week. On P.E. days, all students are expected to have tennis shoes (not black bottoms), and grades 6-12 will change to sports/gym clothes. Students will change from the uniform to gym clothes before P.E. class. Students may not wear the same shoes for gym as they do for regular school activities.

        A student shall not be required to enroll in either physical education or health courses if the student’s parent or guardian files a written statement with the school principal that the course conflicts with the student’s religious beliefs.  (State Standard 12.5(6), Archdiocesan Board of Education policy 6144.3).

        Honesty is a Gospel value and is expected at Marquette Catholic Schools.  Cheating is not tolerated at any time.  Cheating refers to any deception regarding the student's work and/or knowledge of the course material.  Cheating includes, but is not limited to, copying another student's assignment, working with a student on assignments designated as individual assignments, using notes on a quiz or test, or looking at another student's paper during a quiz or test.  Any student caught cheating will be assessed a zero for that assignment or exam.  In addition, junior high and highschool students will be issued a detention that will be kept on record in their permanent file.

        It is the policy of the educational programs governed by the Archdiocesan Board of Education that all employees, volunteers, and students will abide federal copyright laws.  Employees, volunteers, and students may copy print or non-print materials allowed by copyright laws, fair use guidelines, specific licenses or contractual agreements, other types of permission (Archdiocesan Board of Education policy 210)

        It is the policy of educational programs governed by the Archdiocesan Board of Education to require the ethical use of the Internet and related technologies by all employees, volunteers, and students .  Access privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary action may be taken, and/or appropriate legal action taken for any violations that are unethical and may constitute a criminal offense.   (Archdiocesan Board of Education policy 2511)

        The media center serves as a homeroom, a library, and a junior high study hall during the day. It is intended to be a place of silent study. If individuals wish to work together, they must seek permission of the study hall moderator and go to the place designated for such group work. The computers in the media center are to be used for educational purposes only. Students must obtain permission from a teacher in order to use them. Students must sign out books before removing them from the media center. All books are to be returned on or before the date due or subject to a fine. Reference books, periodicals, magazines, and newspapers are to be used in the media center and may not be taken from the room. Students who misuse the media center are subject to restricted access and may lose access privileges.

         The following policies of the Archdiocesan Board of Education should be followed when dealing with complaints-copies can be obtained from the Administrator, board of education chairperson, or the Office of Educational Services:
         •Instructional Materials and Activities (policy 1312)
         •Complaints Against Teacher/Employee (policy 4119.4g)
         •Complaints Against Administrator (policy 4119.4h)
         •Complaints Against Board Members (policy 8252)

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