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 II.  Academic Information


    1.  Grades K-8 have music classes two/three times a week. Each unit has a musical program at least once
a year.
    2.  Private Lessons: Private lessons are offered at St. Joseph's Elementary School in piano and guidance
rates. The teachers in charge may be contacted regarding rates. Band Lessons: Teachers from Bellevue
Community Schools provide lessons on a daily basis, plus experience in band, city and state
competition. The students involved walk to the public elementary, or are shuttled to the high school, for
these lessons and band.
    Those studying an instrument are encouraged to take lessons and to practice regularly. It is suggested
that a specific time and place be set at home for a stipulated period of practice. The cooperation and
encouragement of the parents will result in having the child well prepared for a lesson.


    Because education involves study, some memorization and assignment, all students are expected to
spend a reasonable amount of time on school nights doing some type of homework, whether it be
completing assigned work, studying math facts, spelling words, reading a book or doing extra credit
work. At all times, assignments are to be done neatly and with the appropriate materials.
    Parents are encouraged to examine the homework of their child and discuss the areas being taught.
This will give the child greater confidence in what is being learned and will provide home
reinforcement for the teacher.


    Field trips provide unique educational experience for students because they bring them to the realities
they have studied. Field trips serve the instructional program be utilizing those educative resources of
the community and of the region which cannot be brought into the classroom. Field trips which exceed
30 miles one way must be approved by a board of education. Parents are required to sign a "Field Trip
Permit " to indicate their permission for their child to join in the class trip. Transportation by bus is
encouraged whenever feasible. Students will leave school, remain, and return together with their
assigned group and chaperone. They may not be excused to leave the group during the trip. All
students are expected to observe school policies when they are on field trips.


    A junior high student who is doing "Unsatisfactory Work " as an overall grade in an academic subject
at the mid-term/ quarter will be considered ineligible and not allowed to participate in co-curricular
activities until such a time as the student is passing in all require subjects. During the ineligibility period,
a student will not be allowed to leave school early to attend games, meets, matches, etc. until the
student is passing in all required subjects. Deficiencies should be viewed as a stern warning to both
parents and the student of academic difficulty and prompt action should be taken to correct the

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