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    1. An absence will be considered excused by Marquette for one of the following reasons:
    a) Sickness in the immediate family (student himself or, in a specific case, the student's parent or another family member).
    b) Death of some member of the immediate family (including grandparents, aunts or uncles).  In keeping with the Christian tradition, students may be dismissed from school with parent's permission for the funeral Mass of relatives and friends. Permission must be obtained before the beginning of the school day.
    c) Wedding of an immediate family member.
    d) Any absence requested by the student's parent(s). In the case of necessary appointments, parents must notify the office
no later than the morning of the appointment. When any absence is anticipated, such request should be made and approved by the Assistant Principal beforehand.
    e) All excused absences will count towards the 15 per semester as stated in the Iowa Code and will be subject to Iowa Code regulations.
     2. Unexcused Absence- Any absence from an assigned class or activity without permission is considered an unexcused absence. Make-up work will not be allowed and no credit will be given for work missed.
    3. Parental Notes- If a student is absent, he/she is to present a note upon returning in the event that a parent/guardian has not called. The dated note needs to include the date and length of absence, the reason for the absence, and a signature. If the student fails to bring an excuse after the second morning, a demerit will be issued.

    All students must be at their assigned place at 8:10 A.M. When a student is unable to attend school , a parent must call
the school between 8:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. on the first day of absence to report the reason for the absence and the estimated length of the absence. If the school does not receive a parental call, the school secretary will call the parents of the unexcused students by 9:30 A.M. to determine the reason for their absence. If no phone contact is made, the student must present a parental note the next morning.

     The student will be allowed to make up the class work missed during the time of an excused absence. It is the
responsibility of the student to obtain the assignments missed and to complete the required work by the second class day following the absence. For example, if a student is absent on Monday, the work is required to be made up by the following Friday. Work not completed on time or work missed during an unexcused absence may result in the reduction of the scholastic grade.

     A student is tardy at the beginning of any class if not in the assigned room at the time the class or activity is scheduled to start. Students who are tardy will be given a penalty by the teacher affected. Accumulation of 5 unexcused tardies from homeroom itself will result in a demerit.

     All off campus permissions must be obtained during the homeroom period from the Assistant Principal. A student leaving school with such a permission is to sign out and sign back in on the form outside the secretary's office. If, after starting the class day, it becomes necessary for a student to leave school for any reason, the student is to check out with an administrator (normally the Assistant Principal), obtain parental permission, and sign the form outside the secretary's office. Students are not allowed to leave the campus for lunch. Students who leave without the permission of both a parent and an administrator will be given an unexcused absence.

    Students are expected to be in attendance of all classes, assembles and liturgies. An excused absence on either campus
will result in the following disciplinary action.
1. one block: letter to parents plus one detention;
2. in excess of one block to 2 full blocks: a 1 day in school suspension;
3. in excess of 2 blocks to one full day: a 2 day in school suspension
4. Repeat offenders will be subject to Disciplinary Board review.

    1. The Iowa Code spells out the procedures which Marquette High School will be following if a student is absent excessively. The principal will notify the parents after a student has four absences from a class in the same semester. After a student has five absences from a class, a meeting will be arranged with the parents and the Disciplinary Board. The Disciplinary Board reserves the right to refuse a final grade.
    2. When absences reach twelve school days in a semester and the records have been reviewed, a letter from the principal is mailed to the home, and a copy of that letter will be placed in the student's cumulative folder. Following fifteen absences in a semester and a review of the student's attendance record, the principal is obliged by Iowa Law to contact the County Attorney for further action. Note that all days that a student is absent will count toward the fifteen days, regardless of the reason(s) for the absences.
    3. Students who miss a class because of an extracurricular activity must see the instructor of the class(es) prior to leaving for the activity. Failure to notify the instructor will be considered an unexcused absence.

    In order to participate in any extracurricular event students must be in school on the day of the event from 12:00 noon until the end of the class day. Exceptions will only be made for emergencies or extenuating circumstances approved by the administration.
(Ordinarily, college days would not be included among such exceptions.)
    Each senior or second semester junior is permitted a college day, work seeking or military day. The student
is permitted to be absent from school for two nonconsecutive days sometime during one's final three semesters to seek a job or to visit a school of his/her choice. The student must obtain a visitation form from the counselor at least one day before the college day or job seeking day is taken. The absence is an excused absence and will not be counted as an absence, and the work missed can be made up and credit will be given. Failure to complete the form will cause the absence to be considered an unexcused absence, in which case the teachers need not permit work to be made up and loss of credit will follow. College, work or military days must be taken before May 1.

    1. A junior or senior student who wishes to come late or leave school early for work privilege must obtain and complete a Work Release Permit form from the Assistant Principal.
    2. The Work Release Permit. The student agrees to be at the place of employment at the day and the time indicated. If the student is unable to work at the time indicated, a parent must notify the school of the student's absence before the student's scheduled work time. Otherwise the absence is considered unexcused and disciplinary action will be taken. The student arriving after first block must not be late for second block class or risk losing the work permit.
     The student who participates in extracurricular activities immediately after school will not be permitted to leave early for work release.
     The student agrees to abide by all regulations governing a work release situation. The student also agrees that the permit can be revoked if grades fall or if the student fails to abide by other school regulations.

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