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    In order to provide and maintain an atmosphere which permits the orderly and efficient operation of the school and which encourages learning and helps students to develop a Christian code of personal conduct, school rules and regulations are in effect.  These policies and procedures have been established by the Marquette High School Board of Education with faculty, parents, and students.  Their effectiveness requires the positive and voluntary cooperation of all concerned.
    The knowledge of the rules and regulations, their processes and their implemention are the responsibility and obligation of each Marquette student.  Neither ignorance or lack of understanding of the rules and regulations will release a student or parent/guardian from responsibility to cooperate with the state policies.  All Archdiocesan policies and State of Iowa education laws, ass they apply to Marquette Catholic Schools, are to be respected and followed.

    All fines are to be paid as soon as possible. No quarter/semester exams will be administered to students with overdue fines and no grade will be given. A fine report will be turned in to the secretary by the teacher assessing the fine.

     It is impossible to avoid discipline in oneÕs daily life. The only real choice is to discipline oneself or accept discipline from others. Minor disciplinary problems at Marquette will result in the student being issued a demerit. A demerit will consist of a 1/2 hour period immediately after school. All students must report to the Assistant Principal for demerit by the 3:05 bell.

    Detentions will be issued for major disciplinary problems. A detention will consist of a one-hour period immediately after school. All students must report to the Assistant Principal for detention by the 3:05 bell. Failure to report by that time will result in an additional detention. If the student fails to report the third day it will result in a one-day in-school suspension. Practice or participation in extra-curricular events is not an excuse for missing detentions. The Assistant Principal will keep a record of detentions.

    For any in-school suspensions students must report to the Assistant Principal no later than 8:00 A.M. on the day the suspension is served. The day will end at 3:30 P.M. Excessive suspensions may result in expulsion.

    Should a student receive four disciplinary referrals he/she will be required to appear before the Disciplinary Board. A student can also be called before the disciplinary board for any serious or repeated infraction of school, church, or community morals. This decision rests with the Principal and the Assistant Principal.
    The Disciplinary Board shall consist of the Principal, the Assistant Principal, the Guidance Counselor, two faculty members, the student's pastor and a member of the school board. Disciplinary Board action may include, but is not limited to, the right to refuse a grade, suspension and/or expulsion.

1. Hurtful Teasing & Systematic Exclusion
    a) 1st Time: Verbal warning with documentation.
    b) 2nd Time: Incident reflection written by student under the direction of the guidance counselor
        and ssigned by parent (s).
    c) 3rd Time: Incident reflection written by student under the direction of the guidance counselor
        and signed by parents with direction.
    d) 4th Time: After the 4th incident report in a year, school staff and parents meet to develop an
        individual student plan.
2. Hitting, Pushing, Slapping, Grabbing, Horseplay
    a) 1st Time: Students will be verbally warned with documentation that what they see as goofing
        around could be dangerous.
    b) 2nd Time: Incident reflection written by the student under the direction of the guidance
        counselor and signed by parent (s).
    c) 3rd Time: Incident reflection report written by the student under the direction of the guidance
        counselor and signed by parent(s) and a detention.
    d) 4th Time: After the 4th incident report in a year, school staff and parents meet to develop an
        individual student plan.
3. Severe Hitting (punching, kicking, and similar behavior that may injure others) & Harassment
    (racial, ethnic, or sexual name calling or other severe harassment)
       a) 1st Time: Because this could be seen as a criminal offense, administration will automatically
        be notified and determine appropriate course of action: detention, incident report, parent
       b) 2nd Time: Same consequences as 1st time.
       c) 3rd Time: Same consequences as 1st time.
       d) 4th Time: After the 4th incident report in a year, school staff and parent meet to develop an
            individual student plan.

    To protect the rights of the individual student an appeal of the judgment of any school personnel may be made in the following sequence.
    1. Decision of staff or teacher may be appealed to the Assistant Principal and the Principal.
    2. Decision of the Assistant Principal and the Principal may be appealed to the Disciplinary Board. Decision of the Disciplinary Board may be appealed to the Marquette School Board.
    3. Appeals are to be made in writing stating the purpose of the appeal and giving any evidence or argument which may be submitted to support the appeal.

1. Indulging in or possessing intoxicating liquor, smoking, chewing or other use or possession of tobacco or use of a controlled substance on school property, or bringing any of these onto the school property or to any extracurricular activity (whether in or out of school time) is considered a serious offense. Such a violation as reported by a teacher, law enforcement officer, school board member and/or parent of the student, and/or through self-admission by the individual student, will result in a 3-day in-school suspension. A second offense will result in an appearance before the Disciplinary Board.
2. If a student illegally indulges in or is in possession of intoxicating liquor , tobacco, or a controlled substance and this fact becomes known through a teacher, law enforcement officer, school board member, ones parent(s), or through self-admission, the student will receive a one day in-school suspension and the parent(s) must contact the schools administration. A second offense will result in an appearance before the Disciplinary Board and the student will be referred to counseling and/or substance abuse classes.

    1. All activities which involve competition with other schools, performing for other schools, performing for the public, or representing Marquette High School outside of Bellevue, shall be covered under these guidelines.
    2. The time period regulated by these guidelines commences when the student signs a contract or otherwise indicates the desire to participate in an extracurricular activity; it terminates with the conclusion of the activity/season.
    3. Athletes who violate the policy as stated in the previous section during an athletic season will be prohibited from participating in athletic competition for two weeks, a minimum of two games; the athlete would still be required to attend all practice sessions during that penalty period. A student who is ineligible will not be allowed to miss school to attend games. If the infraction takes place outside his/her athletic season, it would bar the athlete from two weeks of competition in his/her next season. In the case of a second offense an athlete is barred from said participation for six (6) weeks and must participate in mandatory community/school service, attend counseling and/or abuse classes. In the case of a third offense, an athlete is barred from participation for the remainder of the year.
    4. Non-athletic extracurricular activities (for example, speech, drama) - any student in such a covered activity who violates the policy as stated in the previous section during the period of that activity will be dropped from further participation in that activity.
    5. A Student Council member who violates the policy as stated in the previous section must comply with the following rules.  Give an oral apology to the faculty, student council, and representation two days following the violation. Failure to do so will result in the studentÕs dismissal from Student Council for the remainder of said school year. o A second violation in the same school year would result in the student's dismissal from the Student Council for the remainder of the school year, and the student will be ineligible to hold office the following year.
     6. Students who violate the policy as stated in the previous section and are involved in one or more activities will not be allowed participation for a two week period.
    7. During the ineligibility period, a student will not be allowed to leave school early to attend games, meets, matches, etc.

    A high school student who participates in school sponsored athletics may participate in a non-school sponsored sport during the same season with the approval of the high school principal and the head coach. Such outside participation shall not conflict with the school sponsored activity. Violation of this policy will result in an athlete being prohibited from participating in athletic competition for two weeks, a minimum of two games; the athlete would be required to attend all practice sessions/games during the penalty period.

    1. Vandalism: Students are responsible for the proper care of all books, supplies, lockers, furniture and other aspects of the school. Any student tampering with school equipment or deliberately damaging school property in any way is subject to disciplinary action in addition to the cost of the repair. Damage to any equipment or part of the school should be reported to the office as soon as possible so it can be repaired before it becomes the cause of additional problems.
    2. Fire Extinguishers/Fire Alarms: Any Student handling or discharging a fire extinguisher or fire alarm at any time other than in an emergency need will be fined $25.00 and will be subject to further disciplinary action.
    3. Snowballs: The throwing of snow or snowballs, or pushing of other students into the snow, will result in a $2.00 fine.
     4. Water Devices: The possession and/or use of squirt guns or other water devices in he buildings or on the premises will result in a $2.00 fine plus confiscation.
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