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    Parents with children in grades PK-8 are regarded as members of the St. Joseph's Parent-Teacher Organization, formerly known as the St. Joseph's Booster Club. The PTO's priority is making St. Joseph's Elementary the finest school it can be -academically, emotionally, and spiritually - with a vested interest in St. Joseph's students and their families. The PTO sponsors activities throughout the year such as an Open House potluck, a literacy evening, a Book Fair, and a carnival, just to name a few. The PTO also is a voice for families - a forum to address concerns and brainstorm solutions, as well as a means to share ideas. The PTO's Central Planning Committee meets monthly to plan activities, discuss concerns and share ideas.

    Adequate and clear communication between school and home is essential for the success of the children. A parent newsletter will be sent home on a monthly basis with the youngest student, unless advised otherwise. Periodic notes will be sent home to notify the family of school matters. Feel free to call the office to discuss your concerns or to make arrangements to talk with any of the staff.

    Respect and courtesy should be shown at all times to priests, the sisters, the lay teachers, volunteers, and to all others who work with the students. Pupils must understand that each teacher has jurisdiction over any pupil of the school, regardless of age or grade. Children are expected to conduct themselves in a refined and courteous manner whenever attending assembles, sports events, socials, and other gatherings.

    Children are required to walk in the school corridors and classrooms. This is necessary to protect the child and also school property. Care of the school property in not only a matter of respect but of conscience. Damage due to carelessness or malice to the desks, to rest rooms, and to other school property, requires restitution. Children are not to be in the school buildings after school hours or on weekends unless there is adult supervision.

    Bicycles are to be parked by the school building in the area outside of the breezeway on the east side of the building.

    The school phone is intended for calls concerning school business. Students are to use the phone only when it is deemed necessary by a teacher or the office.

1. Textbooks: An archdiocesan curriculum committee studies and evaluates all the available textbooks in a area and then approves three to four companies' products for use. From these recommendations, the teachers make a choice of the textbook which will be used in the school for a period of time.
2. Supplies: A list of suggested school supplies will be sent home in the spring or at summer registration. A limited supplies of paper, pencils, pens, erasers, folders, etc., may be purchased at the office.

    All textbooks are owned by the school, either Marquette Catholic School System or the Bellevue Community School District. Nevertheless, students are responsible for the proper care of those materials. Incidental damage to the book(s), or the wear and tear resulting from normal use, will not be fined. However, significant damage to any book, such as writing or drawing in it, torn pages, or smashed or folded pages or cover(s), will result in a fine and possible punishment. Assessment of damage will be determined by the classroom teacher, who may request the opinion of the school principal, if desired. Categories of damage and corresponding restitution:
1. Lost book: pay full replacement cost.
2. Intentionally damaged beyond use: normal punishment of grade-level for damaging property and pay full replacement cost of the book.
3. Accidentally damaged beyond use: pay full replacement cost of book.
4. Intentionally damaged but usable: normal punishment of grade-level for damaging property and pay one-fourth the book replacement cost.
5. Accidentally damaged but usable: pay one-fourth of the book replacement cost.

    Students may buy hot lunches or bring their own cold lunches. Milk may be bought separately. The hot lunches provided by our staff are eaten in Kieffer Hall. A hot lunch scantron card can be purchased from the hot lunch program director. Free and reduced rate lunches are available for those families meeting certain requirements and making application through the government program.

    Any student handling or discharging a fire extinguisher/fire alarm at any time other than in an emergency will be fined $25.00 and will be subject to further disciplinary action.

K.  GUM:
    Gum chewing is prohibited on the school grounds at all times. A fine of $1.00 will be paid by anyone breaking this rule.

    Throwing snowballs is not permitted on school grounds. The bodily dangers involved, risks of permanent injury, and possible lawsuits are too great. Therefore, a fine of $1.00 will be imposed.

    Before graduation specific instructions will be sent home. The closing exercise of the school year is a specially scheduled liturgy offered by the pastors for the members of the eighth grade class. All work must be completed satisfactorily and other commitments taken care of in full before graduation.

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