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1. All Marquette High School students will be registered and attend the school pursuant to a tuition contract which is to be signed by at least one parent or guardian of the student, and, if applicable, the student.
2. Changes in payment schedules on tuition contracts may be made by the school business office and the parent, guardian, or student at any time, but only written modifications shall be effective and binding on the parties. All changes are subject to approval by the School Board. The School Board delegates its approval authority to the Finance committee.
3. When any account is delinquent 60 days, the parents/guardian(s)) shall be advised of said delinquency in writing, by the school Business Manager. This notice will bring the delinquency to the attention of the appropriate parties and request that the delinquency be corrected or arrangements be made with respect to that delinquency.
4. When an account is delinquent 90 days and no arrangements have been made on that account, the parents/guardian(s) shall be advised by the principal in writing on the school letterhead.
5. When an account is delinquent up to 150 days and no arrangements have been made on that account, the parent/guardian(s) shall be advised by the school business manager and principal by certified mail.
6. No student from Marquette High School shall be allowed to participate in ceremonies when a delinquent account exists, unless specific written arrangements are made for payment of delinquency and a promissory note is signed by the parent/guardian(s). If a student has reached the age of majority, that student will also be required to sign. Marquette High School and the Bellevue Area Catholic Consolidated School Board reserve the right to pursue collection of delinquent account, including suit in small claims court. No suit will be commenced without approval of the School Board.
7. It is the intention of the school board that this policy be enforced in a fair, evenhanded and sensitive fashion, that, as much as possible, each factual situation be viewed upon its own circumstance; and that any form of favoritism or unfairly harsh treatment with respect to any person or parties be avoided; but, rather, that the matter be applied in an evenhanded fashion.

   Expenses incurred by parents may qualify for tuition tax credits. Information is distributed annually, usually at the end of the calendar year.

   No one should be denied a Catholic education because of financial need. Grants are available for those families who cannot pay their fees and/or tuition. Please ask the principal for further information. Confidentiality is maintained. (Archdiocesan Board of Education policy 3240.1)

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