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Grades 9-12
Full year

The general objective of physical education throughout high school is to develop the student's physical fitness, motor skills, social efficiency, cultural awareness, recreational competency, and intellectual Competency.
a) Physical fitness - physical fitness activities that increase cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and flexibility
b) Improved motor skills - moving skillfully and effectively in all stations
c) Social efficiency - sportsmanship, leadership and an appreciation of rules
d) Cultural awareness - refining a person's mental and moral powers as a result of training
e) Recreation competency - mastering recreational skills for leisure and lifetime activities
f) Intellectual competency - knowing and understanding the values inherent in many activities

Procedures: Physical education classes meet once a week for 60 minutes each (usually in the same period as one's theology class). Each student is responsible for providing one's own physical education uniform.

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