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September Newsletter 2010

 Welcome to another school year!    The 2010-2011 school year is underway, and I would like to give you an update on the many events that have taken place or will be taking place in the near future in our Marquette Catholic School System.  All of us at Marquette Catholic hope that you were able to find some time to rest, relax and spend some quality time with friends and family this past summer.


Asbestos Plan

Dear Parents/Guardians, Students and Staff,

Federal regulations and Archdiocesan Board of Education policy requires the notification that there is asbestos in the Marquette Catholic School System buildings.  The building has been inspected by a certified asbestos inspector and all the asbestos found has been sealed and encapsulated.

Our efforts to meet AHERA regulations include this notification letter, education and training of our facility employees, plans and procedures to minimize the disturbance of asbestos containing materials, and plans for removal, repair and surveillance of asbestos containing material.

A copy of the asbestos management plan is kept in our administrative offices and is available for public review.

We will continue to implement our asbestos management plan.  It is our intent to comply with federal, state and local regulations in this area.  We plan to take all necessary steps to insure that your children and our employees have a healthy and safe environment in which to learn and work.



The Archdiocese of Dubuque has established a program of pastoral assistance to people who believe they or those in their care have been sexually abused as minors by clergy or other Church personnel.  This assistance will include help in informing civil and Church authorities.  Victim Assistance Coordinators are trained to facilitate access to appropriate professional mental health services, social service agencies, support groups and/or individuals who can provide spiritual care.  Any individual desiring help from this program is invited to call toll free 800-803-6758 or 866-319-4536 to report an allegation or receive assistance.  This program is part of the new “Policy for the Protection of Minors.”

Level 1 Reporting
Marquette Catholic School is committed to protecting all students from all types of abuse.  If you belieeve that a student is sutffering from any type of abuse please contact Jim Spuiers-principal of Jeff Henderson, Superintendent of Schools, so that this can be reported to trained investigators.

New Staff 2010-2011

 Mrs. Marcine Tracy

We welcome Marcine Tracy to our Marpuette Catholic staff.  Mrs. Tracy was recently hired as Development Officer/Campus Minister.  Marcine and her husband Matt have four children and three are currently students in our St. Joseph Elementary School.

Mrs.  Sue Jacobs

Sue Jacobs has been hired and is cuscoaing the junior varsity volleyball team this fall.           

Mr. Ron Reeg

Ron Reeg  has been hired to coach our junior high girls' and boys' basketball teams.

Welcome Sue and Ron to the coaching staff at Marquette Catholic!


New Students

 A big welcome to our “new “ students who will be entering our Marquette Catholic Schools for the first time - our Kindergarten pupils.  They are:  Riley Carrier, Sophie Gorton, Mallory Griffin, Alvara Jara, Elise Kilburg, Trevor Klein, Kylie Lemer, Cole Nemmers, Gavin O'Brein, Nikita Orssborne, Gatlin Owen, Reiter Patzner, Aden Schmidt, Evan Scott and Ella Tracy.    

The faculty and staff at Marquette Catholic Schools would also like to welcome the following students who are “new” to our school system this year.  They are:  Andruw Jara-Grade 3; Craig Nolting-Grade5; Ryan Sheehan-Grade 6; Erica Timmerman-Grade7; Arely Varela-Grade 7 and Addy Schebler-Grade 9

We also welcome Xiao Han, a foreign exchange student from China, who will be attending school in the Marquette Catholic System this year.  Her host parents are Andy and Carolyn Draus.          
The administration, teachers and staff at St. Joseph’s Elementary and Marquette High School would like to welcome all of our students back to school!  We hope that all of you will have a very educational, enjoyable and rewarding 2008-2009 school year!


2009-2010 School Leaders         

The following students were elected to leadership positions for the 2009-2010 school year.

Student Body President: 

Riley Kilburg

Student Body Vice-President: 

Anna Lampe

Class Presidents:

Senior Class-Rachel Timmerman

Junior Class-Tim Nass

Sophomore Class-Isaac Sturm

Freshman Class-Isaac Amberosy

Student Council Representatives:

Senior Class-Aly Blech & Alicia Zeimet

Junior Class-Brooke Banowetz & Bryce Reeg

Soph Class-Peter Draus & Mitch Kirby

Frosh Class-Haley Lampe & Ryan Reistroffer

Spirit Club Officers: 

President-Bree Moore

Vice-President-Ashley Stackis

Class Representatives:

Seniors-Becca Draus

Juniors-Karan Sieverding

Sophomore-Katherine Herrig

Freshmen-Grace Sieverding

Congratulations to all of our student leaders and good luck in the 2010-2011 school year!


Parent/Student Handbooks-Acknowlegment/Agreement Form

We hope that all parents and students  received a copy of the 2010-2011 Parent/Student Handbook  at registration.  The handbook is meant to be read by parents and students in order  that all understand its contents.  At the end of each respective school’s handbook is an Acknowledgment/Agreement Form (page 49 for both St. Joseph’s Elementary Students &  Marquette High School Students) that we ask you and your child(ren) to sign after reading.


Schools Are Ready for Another Busy Year         

Our buildings and grounds are ready for another year thanks to the hard work and dedication of our head custodian Dan Petesch.  Dan, Kody Kilburg and Tim Nass, MHS student workers, have put in a tremendous amount of hours to insure that our buildings and grounds are ready for another school year.   We would also like to thank Theresa Schwager for the work that she has done keeping our buildings and  restrooms clean.   We would like to thank all of our custodians for the great job that they do!

A “special” thank you to our secretaries - Janice Nass, Ruth Marshall and Darla Yeager - who have spent many hours this summer preparing for the upcoming school year!


Uniforms Needed - HELP!

Parents, did you pack your daughter’s softball or son’s baseball uniform away after the summer season?  Do you have a soccer uniform from last spring’s season still in your possession?  A volleyball or basketball uniform?  Please check to see if you have a uniform that belongs to school and return it to Athletic Director Ms. Julie Schmidt as soon as possible.  Thank you for your cooperation!


Fall Sports

            Volleyball--The high school volleyball teams began practice on Monday, August 9th.  The junior high, due to a new state ruling, started practice on the first day of school, August 26th. Mrs. Jean Reeg will once again coach the jr. high girls’ teams.  The junior high volleyball teams will begin their season  on September  9, when they play Bellevue at 4:00 in the MEC.                          

The MHS volleyball teams are under the guidance of Head Coach Jill Herrig and assistant Sue Jacobs.  The MHS varsity squad opened their season on August 31st in the Preston Tournament.   

            Cross Country--Cross Country practice for junior high and high school runners began on Monday, August 9th.  Coach Steve Engelman returns several experienced runners on both the girls' and boys' teams.  Coach Randy Rubel will once again assist with the program.  The Cross Country teams will travel to Northeast, Goose Lake to compete in the Rebel Invitational on Sept. 9 beginning at 4:30 p.m.

            Football--Our junior high and high school boys’ football players will participate with Mazzuchelli Middle School and Dubuque Wahlert High School.  The Wahlert sophs and varsity opened their season on Friday, August 27 with a road game against Waterloo West. Sophomore games begin at 5:00 p.m. followed by the Varsity contest at 7:30 p.m.       

            First game for our 7th grade football players is Sept. 13 against Roosevelt Silver at Wahlert at 4:00.

            A schedule of freshmen/ sophomore/varsity games is posted on the September Calendar of events.  Please support all of our activities at St. Joseph’s and Marquette Catholic High School by attending the games and meets!!

School Pictures

Just a reminder to all parents (guardians) and students that school pictures will be taken on Wednesday, October 13th.  All parents and students are reminded that this is a dress up (NOT dress down) day.  The school’s dress code will not be enforced for this day!


Open House

Open House at Marquette Catholic is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, September 28th from 6:30-8:30 p.m.   More information will be coming home at a later date.  Please mark your calendars and plan to attend!


Booster Club / PT

On behalf of the Marquette Catholic School System - St. Joseph’s Elementary and Marquette High School - I would like to thank our SJS PTO and our Marquette Booster Club.  Both organizations have provided numerous “extras” for our teachers and students.  For example; reading materials, classroom supplies, playground equipment, field trips, renewal days, TEC, teacher appreciation gifts, athletic uniforms and classroom and sports equipment etc. etc. 
Thank you Booster Club and PTO members and officers for your dedication and commitment to our schools!  We appreciate all that you do for us!


MHS Booster Club

The Marquette Booster Club would like to thank everyone who was able to help at our events this summer.  It was a busy summer and it was very much appreciated.  We ask for continued support from our Booster Club and our group leaders.


Good Luck 2009 Graduates

As our MHS alumnae and alumni branch out to vocational and technical schools, colleges and universities, or to the world of work, we at St. Joseph Elementary and Marquette High School would like to wish all of our graduates the best of luck!  Alumni, know that you are in our prayers daily!  Please feel free to stop by school when you are back in the area!  We would love to see you and talk to you!


Parent Pledge

Parents of students in grades 6-12 received the “Parent Pledge” form at registration.  We are in the process of getting the pledges returned and the names published in our October newsletter.  If you have your pledge at home, please return it to school as soon as possible.  If you are in need of another pledge form, please give the school a call or have your student(s) contact the office. 

New Phone System 
The Marquette Catholic School System has recently installed a new phone system. Please be patient with us aas we learn the new system! Thank you!

As always, please give me a call at either office if you have any concerns or questions!  Let’s all work and pray together for a very successful 2010-2011 school year!

                                                      Jim Squiers


Make the most of every opportunity and remember:

anything is possible if you have faith in Our Lord!


Welcome Back and Have a Great 2009-2010 School                           Year!