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Syllabus for Print Media/Yearbook -------------------
Welcome to Print Media Our major goal this year is to work together to produce a yearbook of ninety pages.

Topics of Study and Review:
Layout and Design
Jostens Yeartech and PageMaker on the Macintosh
News Writing
Headline and Caption Writing
Press Law

1.1 expect this year's yearbook to be entirely produced by you the students, as this is your publication. You will always consider   the audience and purpose of the yearbook, and you must be responsible, dedicated, and professional. You have an important task to accomplish!
2. You must meet all deadlines set by the editors and adviser, and you must be committed to working beyond school hours.

Yearbook Course Outcomes:
Students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Employ sound journalism ethics in yearbook coverage.
2. Design effective yearbook pages.
3. Utilize cameras and croppers to create photographs which reflect the school year.
4. Utilize Macintosh computers and software in designing yearbook pages and perfecting copy.
5. Write effective articles, captions, and headlines
6. Evaluate other issues of yearbooks in order to improve upon future copies.
7. Solve problems and resolve conflicts individually and cooperatively.
8. Demonstrate effective interviewing skills in gathering information and selling advertisements for the yearbook.

First semester you will be graded on the total number of points earned from assignments and quizzes.
Second semester you will be graded on the quality of the pages you complete, work habits, and meeting deadlines.

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