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                SHARED-TIME CLASSES

    In addition to all the course offered at Marquette itself, Marquette has an extensive shared-time program with Bellevue Community High School whereby students take courses which are not offered at Marquette, under the following conditions:

a)    A student is not allowed to enroll in a course at BHS if the same course is offered at Marquette;
b)    The Marquette administration reserves the right to limit the number of shared-time classes taken by a Marquette student in a particular semester. A maximum of two courses is allowed at BHS.  An additional course may be taken at BHS with administrative approval.
c)    Marquette students attending BHS for one or more courses must abide by all of BHS's regulations concerning attendance and individual classroom procedures.
d)    For safety reasons, economy and the orderly movement of students, Marquette students are normally expected to use the bus transportation provided by Marquette. Exceptions to this rule may be allowed on a particular occasion by the Assistant Principal; in such an instance, a student driving to BHS must also abide by BHS's own parking regulations.
e)    The regular course fees charged to all students at BHS will be paid directly by Marquette High School from money received  from Marquette's own book fee.  Individual students; however, remain responsible for any other fees (for example, the cost of materials in an art or shop course) charged by BHS.
f)    Students not residing within the Bellevue Community School District may still take one or more shared-time classes at BHS each semester. However, they (and/or their parents) are personally responsible for paying the non-resident fee (approximately $50) for drivers education.  While Marquette High School is currently absorbing the non-resident fees (about $100 per semester course) for other classes which students not living in the Bellevue Community School District might be taking, they particularly (and their parents) should be conscientious in making voluntary contributions to the overall educational costs at Marquette.