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Grade 9-10
Fall Semester

Sacraments provides an understanding of the Church's encounter with Christ through liturgical celebrations at significant moments in both individual and community life.
Adolescent Development

Grade 9-10
Spring Semester

Adolescent Development is taken in the second semester. It offers the student the opportunity to explore himself/herself as a person under all aspects--physically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually--and to explore one's relationships with others and with God within the framework of a Catholic Christian environment.  This course offers the student the opportunity to explore human sexuality within the context of the Church's teachings (e.g., on reproduction, dating, sexual orientation, etc.) and to help the student develop responsible relationships with emphasis on honesty, love and respect. This course is mandatory in order for Marquette and its students to comply with current state standards.

Grade 9-10
Fall Semester

Morality  is designed to help the student develop and use a Christian value system, to understand how a value system is developed, and to analyze Catholic moral teachings on issues of life, peace, and social justice.
Church History

Grade 9-10
Spring Semester

Church History traces the historical development of the Catholic Church which began at Pentecost, maintained its truth and mission through strife and dissension, and continues to evolve for the future.
Death & Dying

Grade 11-12
Fall Semester

Death and Dying provides the student with information on coping with death, suffering, and grief as a natural part of our mortality. Spiritual, religious, moral, legal, cultural, and personal aspects of dying are discussed.
Hebrew Scriptures

Grade 11-12
Spring Semester

Hebrew Scriptures is a basic introduction to the key figures, religious beliefs and history of the Old Testament. This course studies the experience of the Hebrew people's covenant relationship with God and their faith response to God's self-revelation.
New Testament

Grade 11-12
Fall Semester

New Testament offers the student the opportunity to learn the tools for understanding and interpreting scripture according to the Catholic tradition so that he/she may encounter the message, mission and person of Jesus Christ.
Religions of the World

Grade 11-12
Spring Semester

Religions of the World studies the history, beliefs and customs of major world religions including Judaism, Islam, Hindu and major Protestant faiths.

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