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Western Civilization I

    Western Civilization is a course that covers the early growth of major civilizations of Europe.  The course is designed to give students an in depth understanding of civilizations dating from the Egyptians to the time of the Renaissance.  Our American heritage is directly descended from Europe so it is important to understand these early events because it in a way is an extension of American History as well.

    The course will graded on tests, daily work or assignments, group projects, possibly a semester assignment, and class participtaion.  Contributing to discussions and staying on task are the only real requirements.

    The course use the following outline:

    Weeks 1+2: Chapter 2 First civilizations of Asia and Africa
    Weeks 3-5: Ancient Greece
    Weeks 6-8: Ancient Rome and the Rise of Christianity
    Weeks 11-12: The High Middle Ages
    Weeks 13-14: The Byzantine Empire
    Weeks 15-17: The Renaissance and Reformation

    We will see how far we get.  We will go at a pace which most everyone can follow along.  We will utilize notes, readings from the test and other resources, videos, and individual or group research as methods of learning in this class.  I am open to suggestions about possible alternatives to lesson plans.

    The biggest classroom rule is to respect me and your other classmates.  Disciplinary action may be taken and points may be reduced from your participation grade if there are any problems.  If you have questions as the course moves on, be sure to ask me.  Lets have a great year!!!

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