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World Studies


          World Studies is a year long course in which students study two branches of Social Studies.  Those two areas are Geography and World History.  In the fall semester students will focus on World Geography.

Why study Geography?

        Geographers are observers and analysts of space, place, and environment on scales from the local to the global.  Geography is a multifaceted discipline that bridges the social sciences, the humanities, and the physical science.  Further, the study of geography trains students to appreciate the importance of a broad, international, and comparative perspective.

        In this course, students will study various aspects of geographic regions including political, social, economic, historical, and climatic characteristics.  Students will study geographic names (regions, countries, and capitals) as well as a closer study on the United States.

        This class will be graded by map testing, quizzes and tests, daily work and assignments, class participation, and a project (that will be discussed later).  Students are required to complete all work, participate, behave appropriately, and bring necessary learning tools to class (notebooks, pens, research, etc.).

        I demand respect by everyone for myself, others, and property.  As high school students, I feel the days of written rules are behind you.  If, at any time, a student has concerns or problems regarding any aspect of class, see me.  I am willing to be flexible on work as long as the issue is brought to my attention in a respectful manner.  The grading scale for this class is the same as described in the Marquette Handbook.

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