is our summary of various types of
Fire Starters.
Use pine cones covered with wax.**
Pack charcoal in paper egg cartons and tie shut.
ready to use, just light the carton.
Put a piece of charcoal in each section of a paper egg carton.
with melted wax.**
apart and use as needed.
can also use sawdust, dryer lint or Pistachio shells instead of the charcoal.
Take 100% cotton balls and thoroughly rub Vaseline into them.
in a ziplock bag.
Newspaper cut into strips(3"-4" wide).
up and tie with string.
with melted wax.**
Use lint from your dryer as a fire starter.
Bundle about 10-12 Diamond brand "strike-anywhere"
wooden kitchen matches together with waxed dental floss. The heads of
the matches should all be pointing in the same direction. Generously
soak the bundle of matches (except heads) in melted paraffin wax**
to waterproof and to provide a long burn time. Dip heads lightly only
to waterproof them.
strike on flat rock to ignite.
Cut a cotton cord into 1" lengths and soak in melted wax.**
dry and store in empty film container or ziplock bag.
These are called candy kisses. Use the small 6" emergency
candles and wrap them up in waxed paper.
both ends of the waxed paper to seal in the candle
like a salt water taffy candy).
an end when you are ready to start your fire.
Cut waxed milk cartons into strips to be used as kindling for your campfire.
Stuff paper towel or toilet paper rolls with paper.
To get your charcoal pieces ready quicker, use a charcoal
Newspaper crumbled into a ball
Use dried pine needles
Soak a piece of charcoal in lighter fluid.
with wax.**
Use small condiment or "sample-size" cups.
a long wick to each cup and fill with melted wax.**
can also fill them with sawdust.
Stack of small pieces of cardboard covered in wax**
Waterproof your matches by dipping them in wax**
or coating them with clear nail polish
Use cotton string about 3-4" long, put in wax paper bathroom cup
with about an inch hanging over the edge.
cup nearly to the top with saw dust and pour melted wax into the cup.
saw dust will compact and become waterproof. The extra string length
is a wick to start burning the starter, but can also be tied to
another starter string through a pack loop to carry outside your pack.
* Never
use liquid igniters on your campfire.
Example: lighter
fluid, gasoline etc.
When melting wax, only use a double broiler set up.
pots, one which sits on top of the other. The bottom pot containing
boiling water, the top pot contains whatever is being cooked. This
tool is useful for making delicate sauces or melting chocolate or any
other occasion when you don't want to have direct heat on the food
which is being cooked.
You can improvise a double boiler by placing the items to be cooked in a metal bowl, which is placed over a pot of boiling water.
wax can easily ignite.
a fire extinguisher handy in cause of emergency.
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