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Flash floods can occur at any time of the year, 
but they are most common during the late summer thunderstorm season.


Especially during the summer months and monsoon season, thunderstorms can move into canyon country very quickly and drop large amounts of rain. This rain concentrates with little warning in narrow canyons and washes and causes flash flooding. When the water is forced into these narrow areas, a wall of water forms that pushes along with great force anything in its path including sand, dirt, rocks, boulders, shrubs, and trees. Water, along with the erosional agents it carries, has formed many tall, very narrow, and beautiful "slot" canyons that attract visitors from around the world. Slot canyons are a work in progress. Flash floods that created what you see today will alter these same canyons in the future.


When hiking, be observant. If you see rain, even 30 to 40 miles away, or if it is during or after a rain thunderstorm, avoid washes and canyon bottoms. If you believe that a flash flood may be approaching, immediately climb out of the canyon bottom and to high ground. Flash floods have been reported to sound like freight trains.


In 1997, flash floods in Antelope Canyon and in the Grand Canyon's Phantom Creek area killed a total of 13 people.


Swimming in many western rivers is not recommended due to currents and hidden hazards.

If you must swim, wear a life jacket.

Never dive into a river.
Underwater hazards are hidden by the muddy water.

During thunderstorms stay away from washes, low-lying areas,
and be aware of flash floods. 

Never camp in the bottom of a wash or dry stream bed.

Thunderstorms can change a dry stream bed into a rushing flood within minutes.

Don't try to drive through a flood.

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