Before you read the previous page or If you linked here after reading the previous page . . .
and start to panic and think Mind you, these are ONLY precautionary measures of scenarios that could possibly happen.
It is inevitable that some
accidents may occur during your camping adventure,
However, you may be unlucky
enough to have a major accident,
Thankfully major accidents
I have camped with my family as a child every summer until I was 18 years of age. I am now married with three boys and have been camping with them since the oldest was 2 in 1990. We have NEVER encountered any SERIOUS or MEDICAL problems. We did have one scare when one of my boys came to me complaining he was having problems breathing. I put him in the van with the air conditioner on. He then began to tell me that his hands were feeling numb. I immediately called 911 on my cell phone and had him rushed to the hospital. We all thought it was from a snake bite. We spent 4 hours in a small town hospital to discover he was only suffering from an anxiety attack. One good thing that did come out of this visit to the hospital was that I got to see the Indianapolis Colts game replayed!
One time as a child myself camping with the family at Dunes State Park the bugs were so BAD my Dad ended up packing up and we all left in the middle of the night!
Now, I am NOT saying you will NOT have any serious problems, accidents or emergency situations. All I am saying is, DON'T let what you are about to read scare you from going camping.
Dealing with insects and trouble-making creatures is a fact of camping life. Awareness is your finest ally and anticipating problems will help you avoid most of them, as well as leaving you prepared to deal with them when they do occur.
With these pages hopefully, you will gain some wisdom and knowledge of what to be aware of and therefore prevent any problems before they arise.
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