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Indianapolis Colts
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Colts Influence
Thursday, 6 September 2007
The New Orleans Saints got an old fashioned Horse Whoopin'!
Mood:  celebratory

After intermission and shaking off a sluggish first half, the Indianapolis Colts opened their regular season looking better than ever as they mauled a highly-respected New Orleans Saints team in the second half to register a 41-10 victory in front of a national audience Thursday night to secure their third straight win in a season opener.
The New Orleans Saints hardly knew what hit them, except that it was excruciating.
In the process, the defending World Champions put the rest of the league on notice that they shouldn't expect to see a post-Super Bowl slump from this team.

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Posted by ia3/colts at 12:01 AM
Updated: Saturday, 22 September 2007 2:36 AM
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